Welfare, Enel X-Gemelli-Aon agreement on telemedicine

Welfare Enel X Gemelli Aon agreement on telemedicine

(Finance) – Bring telemedicine at the heart of corporate welfare to promote people’s wellbeing and help them adopt a healthy and sustainable lifestyle. This is the goal of the agreement that Enel X Italia and the Agostino Gemelli IRCCS University Hospital Foundation have signed with Aon.

Thanks to this partnership, the first group in Italy and in the world in risk and human resources consultancy, in insurance and reinsurance brokerage, will be able to make the Smart Axistance e-Well service, a corporate wellness program, available to its network of companies. governance developed by Enel X (a Group company It is in the) and the Policlinico Gemelli Foundation with the aim of offering personalized and digital health care programs, integrated with the traditional medical check-up. Aon will provide its customers who join the initiative with the tools necessary for managing the service.

Smart Axistance e-Well provides a personalized wellness path that is carried out with the remote support of the doctors of the A. Gemelli IRCCS University Hospital and through an App, designed by Enel X, in total safety and in compliance with data protection.

With Smart Axistance e-Well we put our technological capacity at the service of social innovationhitting a twofold objective: spreading a new welfare model based on the psychophysical well-being of the person and promoting the development of telemedicine, essential for making healthcare available to everyone – he comments Francesco Venturini, Head of Enel X -. In particular the program helps us to concretely improve people’s lives and promote healthy and sustainable lifestyles, in line with our mission. This agreement, signed with a large group like Aon, will soon be followed by others they will see us engaged, together with the Gemelli Polyclinic Foundation, alongside national and international players to bring innovation to companies through increasingly flexible and personalized e-Health services ”, concludes Venturini.

The Smart Axistance e-Well project marks the entrance of the Gemelli Polyclinic into the era in which telemedicine is no longer an exercise linked to the provision of specific servicesbut a tool that expands, strengthens and integrates our entire health offer – consider Marco Elefanti, director general of the Agostino Gemelli IRRCS University Hospital Foundation -. In fact, it involved the ad hoc development of clinical protocols, a dedicated organizational model and full integration of the platform into our information ecosystem. With a precise objective: to develop a model of wellness and clinical governance capable of offering users the possibility of enjoying the benefits of a wellness and prevention plan continuously customized to their needs, able to accompany them on a daily basis and with the possibility of constant comparison and contact with our clinical specialists. The agreement with Aon testifies to the desire to offer companies this added value and make welfare a modern and effective tool in improving people’s lives and health ”, concludes Elefanti.

People’s health and well-being have always been at the heart of Aon’s value proposition. The telemedicine services, which we have been offering for some time both through our proprietary corporate welfare platforms, and as stand-alone services with qualified healthcare facilities at controlled prices, have seen a tremendous increase since the outbreak of the pandemic – he adds. Andrea Parisi, CEO of Aon -. Aon will continue to develop new solutions in this area to increasingly meet the needs of people in the health sectorpromoting a culture of prevention “.
