Welcoming the children of caregivers: priority parents

Welcoming the children of caregivers priority parents

In groups of 20 pupils, the children of nursing staff aged under 16 are welcomed in schools in the event of a class or school closure.

What conditions, for whom?

Since a decree published on January 6, children of nursing staff “essential to the management of the health crisis” are welcomed in nursery, elementary and primary schools and colleges, in the event of closure temporary class or establishment. Are concerned : children under 16 whose parents exercise a defined profession (see below) and who have no childcare solution and cannot telework. Provided by the National Education during school time, this reception can only be done by group of 20 students maximum. Outside these hours and during school holidays, local authorities. may also offer a welcome. To be admitted, the children of the nursing staff must present a negative PCR or antigen test result. If they are in contact before the closing of the class or establishment, they will have to perform a PCR or antigen test then self-tests on D + 2 and D + 4 which must all be negative. Finally, positive students cannot be accommodated before the end of their isolation.

List of priority professions for welcoming children to school

  • All staff in health establishments, as well as biologists, dentists, state-certified nurses, doctors, physiotherapists, pharmacists, midwives,
  • All professionals and volunteers in the screening sector (professionals in charge of contact-tracing, screening centers, analysis laboratories, etc.) and vaccination (nursing and administrative staff of vaccination centers, firefighters), as well as pharmacy assistants and ambulance attendants
  • All staff in social and medico-social establishments and services following: EHPAD and EHPA (elderly); establishments for disabled people; home help services (elderly people, disabled people and vulnerable families); home help nursing services; medical reception beds and health care stop beds; therapeutic coordination apartments; CSAPA and CAARUD; new shelters for homeless people sick with coronavirus

If you are one of the priority people, you can apply to the principals and principals of your children’s schools. You must provide proof of the profession exercised (professional card, payslip, etc.);
a sworn statement of the absence of another guard solution and the presentation of a negative result of an antigen test or RT PCR of less than 24 hours.
