Weight plays an important role – How to increase it

In Once Human, weight plays an important role. It has a huge influence on your character and gives him certain advantages and disadvantages. You can find out how to gain weight in the survival game here.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of weight? In Once Human there are basically three weight categories. You can see the categories and your current weight when you hover over the figure next to your status bar in the inventory. Each category gives you certain bonuses for your game character, but also has disadvantages:

  • Basic load (carrying capacity) 80 kg
  • Melee attack speed +15%
  • Damage -10%
  • Max. Stamina +25
  • 65-85kg:
  • Basic load (carrying capacity) 90 kg
  • Torso damage reduction +10%
  • Stamina recovery speed +20%
  • >85kg
  • Basic load (carrying capacity) 100 kg
  • Melee attack speed -10%
  • Damage +15%
  • Roll speed -20%
  • Weapon stability +15
  • Depending on how you play, you have to decide which weight category suits you best and matches your playing style. You can also change the weight later.

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    3 Ways to Gain Weight in Once Human

    How do I increase my weight in Once Human? If you want to increase your weight in the survival game, for example because you want to have a higher carrying capacity, there are various ways to do this. The quickest way is to use the “floor level” that you can create in your base. Otherwise, you can gain weight by eating certain foods and by using a certain companion in the base.

    How to increase your weight:

  • At the floor mirror you have the opportunity to completely rework your character. To gain weight, simply increase your fitness in the body category. However, the adjustment is not free: you pay 1 cocoon token for the change. If you run out of tokens, you can get them in the shop.
  • By eating certain foods you gain weight. Dishes that have the “muscle growth” trait are suitable for this. You can get the recipe for “Fish & Chips” in the “Red Sands” area (level 43) at the “Gap Anchor Evergreen 1”.
  • If you have placed the “Extradimensional Cat” in your base, it will ensure that you sleep well. You will receive the “Cat Slumber” effect – this states that rest breaks are important for recovery and muscle growth. The cuddly companion could also ensure weight gain.
  • With “Fish & Chips” you gain weight in Once Human.

    And how do I lose weight? If you want to reduce your weight (again), you can also use the character editor via your floor level. Alternatively, there is a “fat-burning juice” whose recipe you can find in the “Greywater Camp”.

    In Once Human, you should generally keep an eye on your status values, because hunger and thirst also bring you disadvantages, such as reduced movement speed or a lower carrying capacity. Conversely, you receive bonuses if you are full and well hydrated. Here you will find further tips and tricks that you should know for survival.
