Things have become quiet in Destiny 2. Only a week left until the start of Season 23 and the Dreaming City is preparing for its big comeback. But before that happens, MeinMMO tells you what else there is to do until then.
This is what’s happening this week: You could call it the calm before the storm. Destiny 2 is about to start its Season 23 and it promises new content from November 28th and, above all, a reunion with the greatest creatures in the Destiny universe.
Everything else that awaits you in Season 23 can be found here: Destiny 2 reveals its biggest secret with Season 23 – Everything about “Season of Wish”
But before that happens, you should invest a little bit in the start of your season this week. A new dungeon with increasing difficulty is already waiting on December 1st. So it doesn’t hurt to stockpile a few ready-made bounties to level up your artifact faster.
Tomorrow, Bungie will also reveal more information in the weekly TWiD (This Week at Destiny blog). Among other things, what new things await you in Season 23 with the Stasis ability.
In Destiny 2, every wish has its price, even in Season 23
More videos
The most important information about activities from November 21st to 28th.
Earn this Twilight Weapon this week: Braytech Osprey (Master), Rocket Launcher
Crucible – This is the rotating PvP activity
Boost in all three playlists
No matter where you log in this week: There is a boost in all three playlists, so you can climb the ranks quickly and pick up all the items, such as shaders and weapon ornaments.
Endgame: Raid Challenges and Dungeon Rotation
Farmable endgame alternating weekly: For those who like a challenge, the so-called legacy rotations await in the endgame. They can be repeated and farmed,
What does “Farmable Endgame” mean in Destiny 2?
Since Season 21, all missions and raids rotate every week and are farmable. This means that both the active rotation raid, the active rotation dungeon and the exotic rotation missions can be farmed during the week. This means you can complete each encounter multiple times to obtain different items and complete your collection. Including any Exotics available in this content.
Weekly activities
These are the ritual activities: All content from Season 22, including the card deck and seasonal activities, will of course remain in Season 23. However, you can only play them this week to complete the title or complete seasonal challenges.
Lightfall – Weekly Campaign Mission
Ascendant Challenge – Dreaming City
Soon there will be more going on in the Dreaming City and there will be new things to do. Time to deal with the old ones first, like the many hidden chests this week. All you have to do is take a sip of “Queen’s Leaves Tincture” from your inventory and the corruption will reveal new avenues to you.
All sources for top loot in Destiny 2 Season 22
More power level comes automatically: There will probably be no more grinding for power levels in Season 23 either. The hard power level cap in Destiny 2 has remained unchanged at 1,810 for several seasons. This means that no player is forced to perform at their best every week, but rather automatically levels up the artifact level in all activities.
You should still plan a bit in advance. Because the dungeon starts on December 1st. He will have increasing difficulty per encounter and so it makes sense to at least advance his artifact quickly to take full advantage.
However, if you are not currently at the hard cap of 1,810, we have listed the best sources for top loot for you here.
This top loot brings your power level up to 1,810:
If further sources arise, we will add them here immediately.
Bright dust highlights in the Eververse
We’ll list everything special in the Eververse this week here:
That’s all the information so you now know what’s in store for the final week of Season 22. Tell us in the comments what your last week in Destiny 2 looked like and what your season rank was. We are excited.
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