In Destiny 2, the Tuesday reset always heralds a new week. This week, however, the latest story highlight about crow and Amanda Holliday is only waiting for the keepers from 7:00 p.m. MeinMMO gives you a weekly overview of everything you can do in the game this week.
This is happening this week: This week, Destiny 2 moves into the final part of the seasonal storyline, including the Legendary mode of the Resistance Battlegrounds. But beyond that, the keepers in Destiny 2 have a lot of hard content to master.
So in addition to the story, especially in the raid, the weekly challenges will add an optional hidden objective to an encounter every week from now on, which, if completed, grants additional loot. On Normal difficulty, they drop double rewards. However, if you complete Grandmaster difficulty, there will be a master raid weapon as a reward.
Destiny 2: Lightfall – Trailer for new weapons and equipment
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Also, don’t forget to look for the new story part in “Vexcalibur” by exploring the secret paths in the exotic mission using Asher Mir’s Glaive and shield.
New reset time effective immediately: Anyone who logs in at 6 p.m. sharp, as always, should know that the reset times of Destiny 2 have also changed due to the time change in Germany. From now on, the weekly reset will take place again one hour later, at 7:00 p.m.
The most important information about activities from 28.03. until 04.04.
Vanguard: Dawn – The Crucible
Earn the Dusk Weapon this week: The pistol “Buzzard”
That changes in Lightfall at dusks: Vanguard Challenges will be adjusted to reflect these changes in Lightfall. Bungie will also add scoring to the Vanguard Ops playlist. The higher your score, the higher the multiplier for your Vanguard rank.
Endgame: Raid challenges and dungeon rotation
Tip: Both the rotation raid and the rotation dungeon are farmable. You can complete the individual encounters again and again to receive a wide variety of items and complete your collection. Including possible exotics available in this content.
Bungie will continue to expand these activity rotations of content from Season 22 onwards. Then players can not only play raids and dungeons as a “legacy”, but also old exotic missions.
Crucible – This is the rotating PvP activity:
Where’s a bonus this week?
In Week 5, Destiny 2 grants you a bonus to the ranks in Trials. This means you can also get your hands on the currently coveted submachine gun “The Immortal” faster this weekend.
Weekly Activities
Here are this week’s key activities. In Year 6, Guardians will no longer have to fight Savathun but rather the Witness as the main antagonist in Destiny 2. At the moment there are many questions that need to be aired, especially with the ominous veil.
Lightfall – Weekly campaign mission
Ascendant Challenge – Dreaming City
So if you still need Triumphs from the Dreaming City, then watch out. The second level of corruption reveals new approaches with a sip of “Queen’s Leave Tincture”.
All sources for pinnacle loot in Destiny 2 Season 20
So that you know where you can effectively grab your top loot, we offer you a quick overview of activities every week.
This is the new max level: In the new Season of Resistance (Season 20), the power level increases drastically. The maximum power level of your equipment at 1,810. This means that the power level at the start of the new Season 20 has increased by +210 compared to the previous Season 19.
We list the currently known activities that give you top loot and therefore power levels so that you can level up quickly, even though this system could change soon:
Destiny 2: Reveal hints at massive power level changes and you might not like them
This top loot brings your power level up to 1,810:
Bright Dust Highlights in Eververse
There are many cosmetics to discover in Lightfall and Season 20. So be sure to check back with Tess this week to see what’s new.
For example, this Sparrow trinket has been rebuilt for a tough gait, so it doesn’t matter if your craft has more draft than usual with a solid titan in full armor.
Here’s what else you’ll get for Bright Dust this week at Tess:
Bungie will be hosting an “April April” day in April that will make the special items available to you. In addition, Ada-1 is also offering old shaders again this week, which you may not have in your collection yet.
Destiny 2: Armory Boss Becomes the New Fashion Queen – Sells shaders that Guardians have long wanted back
What do you think? Is Crow now in danger of experiencing what the Guardians did with Cayde-6? Or do you think he won’t have a bigger story role in Season 20? Write us your guess in the comments.
By the way, owners of the exclusive Lightfall Exotics “Mercury Storm” have news about the existing bug of the weapon, thanks to a long overdue statement from Bungie:
Destiny 2: Pre-orderers are angry – pay 100 € and get an exotic that is still broken