This week begins the final week of the Christmas event in Destiny 2. However, as usual, you can find out from us what you can do in the following days before the new year begins.
This is happening this week: Unfortunately, things will be a little quieter this week, but with fewer server downs than usual. The year is coming to an end and soon Guardians will set their feet in the new expansion in 2023.
Until then, however, players can enjoy the final week of the Dawning Christmas event and bake for Eva with their friends. Find out what else awaits you this week here.
Destiny 2: Trailer for Lightfall shows new race – Guardians get cool lasso, swing like Spider-Man
The most important information about activities from 27.12 to 03.01
Vanguard: Dawn – The Crucible
The Corrupted, in the Dreaming City
The Keepers must find one of Queen Mara’s closest advisors, Sedia, and free her from the control of the Taken.
This week you can get the Mind Twister’s Aspiration.
Playlist strikes have the following modifiers this week:
Void Scorch
The Singe modifier stays with you throughout the week, the others change daily.
Endgame: Raid challenges and dungeon rotation
This is what happens in the Raid “Königfall”:
In the current raid “Königsfall” you have to face the last raid challenge to get more loot.
In the Hands Off challenge, players may not kill the same ogre and knight more than once. So you have to think carefully about what you want to kill, because neither of your team can defeat the same Lighteater Ogre and Lighteater Knight more than once.
This restriction applies to the entire encounter and also includes the two ogres that spawn during the final fight. But despite these limitations, you must quickly kill both the ogre and the knight.
The following raid requirements and challenges await you:
In Normal mode, completing a challenge earns you double the loot.
You only get status-specific armor and master weapons from the grandmaster raid.
You can also earn the new Oryx-themed raid-exclusive Exotic cosmetics in Grandmaster.
Additional Legacy Pinnacle Rewards from Endgame:
The Vault of Glass reopens its Vex portals and sends you into its interdeminal raid for loot
Play the Drainage of Greed dungeon for more pinnacle loot.
Crucible – This is the PvP playlist:
In PvP, the Dynamics Control mode returns
Playlist bonus this week:
This week it’s raining bonus rank points for the Trials of Osiris.
Weekly Activities
Savathun’s Throne World – Weekly campaign mission
“The Communion”
You go to the pyramid on Europa, where Caiatl’s cabal are already waiting for you. The light has made you forget and now the vanguard want to use the darkness to uncover old memories again.
Ascendant Challenge – Dreaming City
Petra Venj can be found in the Rheasilvia area of the Dreaming City. It’s the 3rd curse week throughout the zone. The 4th Ascendant Challenge is to be mastered.
All sources for pinnacle loot in Destiny 2 Season 19
Top loot boosts your power level – so get it!
So that you know where you can effectively grab your top loot, we offer you a quick overview of activities every week.
This is the new max level: In the new season of raiders, the maximum power level of your gear is 1,590. This means that the power level at the start of the new Season 19 has increased by +10 compared to the previous Season 18.
This top loot brings your power level up to 1,590:
Top Legacy Raid “King’s Fall” (+2)
Top dungeon “Pillar of the Warden” (+2)
Raid rotation this week: Vault of Glass (+2) (farmable)
Legacy Dungeon Rotation “Drawn of Greed” (+2)
Accomplished in the Dawn: Trial by Fire with at least 100,000 points (+2)
Weekly Witch Queen campaign mission with at least 100,000 points (+2)
“The Wellspring” on Grandmaster (+2) difficulty
Complete the Conservation activity in the Darkness Raid Pyramid (+2)
“Tests of Courage of Eternity”: Score at least 250,000 points or more (+2)
Defeat Mighty Cabal in the exotic mission “Vox Obscura” (+2)
Complete 3 Heist Battlegrounds on Legendary difficulty (+2)
Complete 3 Gambit matches (+1)
Complete 3 Crucible matches (+1)
Complete 3 Vanguard Operation strikes with appropriate focus (+1)
Hawthorne’s Clan Quest: Earn 5000 XP (+1)
Trials of Osiris, starting December 23 (+2)
Bright Dust Highlights in Eververse
With this shell you crack every nut (via
It’s still wintry in Eververse and you can exchange your Bright Dust for a variety of Anbruch cosmetics. We’ll be happy to tell you exactly what’s there.
Other shine dust offers are:
Exotic Emote “Ice Art”
Exotic Gesture “Shaky skating
Exotic Sparrow “Polar Vortex”
Exotic Ship “Cold and Smooth”
Exotic Ghost Shell “Nutcracker Shell”
Infinite Gift Exotic Weapon Ornament for the Vex-Mythoclast Exo-weapon
Bonfire Exotic Weapon Ornament for the Xenophage Exo Weapon
Legendary Emote “Snow Hare”
Legendary Ghost Projection “Baker’s Projection”
Legendary Teleport Effect “Gift Rain”
Dawning Calm Shader
Too little shine dust? So many great items, but already running out of Bright Dust? Then check out our tips on how to improve your Bright Dust budget.
Destiny 2: This is how you can quickly get shiny dust in 2022 – because if you don’t want to spend real money, you have to farm
That was all the info for the last week of 2022, what else are you up to in Destiny 2? Or are you in other games? Please leave us a comment about it.
Did you know that Bungie has implemented a subscription model in Destiny 2’s data that is similar to ESO’s? You can find out all about it in our article:
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