A veil of festive mystery surrounds Destiny 2 as the final week of the Dawning event begins today. Additionally, as the galaxy prepares for the upcoming New Year’s Eve, a captivating symphony of adventures and challenges unfolds in the new Exo mission. MeinMMO summarizes the activities of this Christmas week for you.
This is what’s happening this week: Starting this week, Guardians will have the opportunity to secure additional catalysts for the new exo-bow Wishguard. The Cursed mission plays a central role, as it probably has to be mastered at Legendary level.
Of course, the story of Season 23 continues as Eva continues to encourage you to bake cookies for the NPCs in Destiny 2. According to Bungie, the countdown for the end of the Dawn event is January 4th, 2024. By then you should have baked all the ingredients into a big pile of shiny dust, weapons and materials.
But that’s not all – while the snowflakes gently fall from the sky, the weekly activities also rotate through the cosmic offerings.
Destiny 2 will heat up your holiday oven again in 2023 with “The Dawn”.
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The most important information about activities from December 26th to January 2nd.
Earn the Twilight Weapon this week: The “Uzume RR4” sniper rifle
Crucible – This is the rotating PvP activity
Endgame: Raid Challenges and Dungeon Rotation
Farmable endgame alternating weekly: For those who like a challenge, the so-called legacy rotations await in the endgame. They can be repeated and thus farmed.
What does “Farmable Endgame” mean in Destiny 2?
Since Season 21, older missions and raids have rotated every week as legacy activities and are farmable. This means: The active rotation raid, the active rotation dungeon and the exotic rotation missions can be farmed during the week. This means you can complete each encounter multiple times to obtain different items and complete your collection. Including any Exotics available in this content.
Weekly activities
These are the ritual activities:
Lightfall – Weekly Campaign Mission
Ascendant Challenge – Dreaming City
All sources for top loot in Season 23 of Destiny 2
More power level comes automatically: There will probably be no more grinding for power levels in Season 23 either. The hard power level cap in Destiny 2 has remained unchanged at 1,810 for several seasons. This means that no player is forced to perform at their best every week, but rather automatically levels up the artifact level in all activities.
However, if you are not currently at the hard cap of 1,810, we have listed the best sources for top loot for you here.
This top loot brings your power level up to 1,810:
If additional sources emerge in Season 23, we will add them here immediately.
Bright dust highlights in the Eververse
This week only you can earn all Dawning armor via the Eververse in exchange for Bright Dust. Players can obtain them for 6,000 Bright Dust. To do this, you can either use the shine dust you have saved or you can bake lots of cookies for Eva and receive 10 shine dust per cookie. Your additional bounties are farmable as long as you have enough Dawning Essence. There’s even more Bright Dust to be had through the weekly Eva Bounties.
And these things are also available in the Eververse this week:
That’s all the information about this last week of 2023. We wish you much success in your hunt for the Wish Guard Catalysts and of course a happy new year. If you would like to find out more about the year 2024 and what will happen in Destiny 2, please take a look here: Destiny 2: Everything about “The Final Form” DLC from 2024 – Release, New Abilities, Enemies and Editions