It’s time for the weekly reset in Destiny 2 again. While we focus on the challenges ahead, today Tuesday also marks the start of the free Solstice event with its “Campfire Party.” And it should be noticeably more difficult in 2023, as Bungie revealed.
This is happening this week: Destiny 2 is starting its big campfire party as part of the free summer highlight of 2023 – the Solstice. Your task is to defeat opponents and gradually build a burning campfire. But be warned, Guardian: Bungie not only announced new rewards, but also revealed that the fight should be much more difficult.
Otherwise, as always, you can expect cosmetics and the option to tap strong stat values for your armor.
However, the guardians have also formed a solstice boycott, which is also scheduled to start today. But some guardians see this call critically and do not want to participate.
Destiny 2 lights the fires in Solstice Event 2023
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The most important information about activities from 18. to 25.07.
Vanguard: Dawn – The Crucible
Earn the Dusk Weapon this week: The Arc Machine Gun “The Swarm”. You get the master version of the weapon from the front runner.
Crucible – This is the rotating PvP activity
Endgame: Raid challenges and dungeon rotation
Farmable endgame in weekly rotation: Legacy rotations await as the endgame progresses. Both the rotation raid and the rotation dungeon are farmable. That means you can complete the individual encounters again and again to get different items and complete your collection. Including any Exotics available in that content.
Bungie will continue to expand content activity rotations starting in Season 22. Then players can play not only raids and dungeons as “legacy”, but also old exotic missions.
Weekly Activities
A number of activities and challenges have been updated again with the weekly reset, giving players a variety of rewards and progression, and making them better Wardens through repetition.
Lightfall – Weekly campaign mission
Ascendant Challenge – Dreaming City
If you still need Triumphs from the Dreaming City, then watch out: The Corruption reveals new approaches with a sip of “Queen’s Leave Tincture”.
All sources for pinnacle loot in Destiny 2 Season 21
This is the new max level: In the new Season of the Deep (Season 21), the power level does not increase further. The maximum power level of your equipment that you can reach remains at 1,810 and you can chill and enjoy the new seasonal content without stress and replenish your resources with the fishing activity.
So that you know where you can effectively grab your top loot, we offer you a quick overview of activities every week. Here we list the currently known activities that will quickly bring you to the power level cap – if you haven’t already reached it.
Here’s an expert explaining why power levels aren’t that important in Destiny 2 already:
Expert claims: Destiny 2 has already abolished the power level unnoticed
This top loot brings your power level up to 1,810:
Bright Dust Highlights in Eververse
Almost every emote, ornament, or exo-vehicle ends up in the Bright Dust sale sooner or later. It is therefore always worthwhile for guardians to earn this in-game currency regularly in order to gradually complete their collection. Also this week there are new things to buy with a summery look.
You can find more offers at Ada-1 in the extension of the tower. A detour is also worthwhile here if you still have gaps in the collection.
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