The final week of Season 21 in Destiny 2 is upon us, and it’s time to take off your wet suits. However, there are still a few things you can do in this final week. And one thing about it, you might not like.
This is happening this week: As always, this final week of Season 21 will see Destiny 2 activities rotate.
But for some guardians there is another unpleasant task that many do not find easy: cleaning out the safe.
Your vault in Destiny 2 is too full? – 7 tips to help you clean up properly
With the new season, the guardians will part with old treasures again to make room for the new armor and weapons of the coming season 22. However, this also means that you may have to part with old treasures.
A very special pain for some Wardens with full vaults, as this meme shows.
The most important information about activities from August 15th to 22nd.
Earn this Dusk Weapon this week: The pistol “Buzzard”
Crucible – This is the rotating PvP activity
Here’s a bonus this week
Endgame: Raid challenges and dungeon rotation
Farmable endgame in weekly rotation: Legacy rotations await as the endgame progresses.
Both the rotation raid and the rotation dungeon are farmable. That means you can complete the individual encounters again and again to get different items and complete your collection. Including any Exotics available in that content.
Weekly Activities
The final week of Season 21 activities is upon us, and that means the last chance to complete your challenges.
Lightfall – Weekly campaign mission
Ascendant Challenge – Dreaming City
If you still need triumphs from the dream city, then watch out: The corruption reveals you new approaches with a sip of “Queen’s Leave Tincture”.
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All sources for pinnacle loot in Destiny 2 Season 21
More power level comes automatically: Last season, Bungie experimented with a new system that left Destiny 2’s hard power level cap unchanged from Season 21. The community welcomed this change, which is why it will be maintained in the coming Season 22.
However, if you are not currently at the hard cap of 1,810, we have listed the best sources for top loot here for you.
This top loot brings your power level up to 1,810:
Bright Dust Highlights in Eververse
Last week Bungie offered an exclusive season shader for Bright Dust. A small concession that in Eververse not everything is just commerce and patient guardians will sooner or later receive many emotes, ornaments or exo-companions even without spending extra silver.
Here’s a list of what’s special in Everversum this week:
If you always have too little shiny dust in Destiny 2, you should know these tips here:
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Did you complete all your goals this Season 21? And how much space is left in your safe? Tell us right now in the comments.
A preview of next week in Destiny 2 when Season 22 starts can be found here:
12 updates players can expect in Destiny 2 Season 22