Starting today, Destiny 2 will be festively decorated, because the free Anbruch event 2022 will also start with the weekly reset. We at MeinMMO will bring you up to date on what’s going on in the tower this week and what’s new to discover.
This is happening this week: There’s a lot happening in Destiny 2 today. For one, the new week of Season 19’s seasonal story quest begins, which means players can experience another part of the story and learn how Rasputin’s resurrection continues.
Many Guardians are hoping to enjoy this new week with the convenience of Bungie and third-party apps again.
The free winter event, the Dawning, will also start. As every year, Bungie wraps the tower in the most beautiful winter mood and invites the guardians to bake crispy cookies for the NPCs. As a reward, dawning armor and weapons, which Eva Levante donates as always, and legendary snowball fights against enemies in the open world await.
Check out the wintry trailer for the launch of today’s event in Destiny 2 here:
Destiny 2 Season of the Seraph – Dawning Trailer
According to the latest leaks, it can no longer be ruled out that other previously missing items could come into play in Season 19.
The most important information about activities from 13.12. until 20.12.
Here’s what the Guardians can expect from the Dawning event
“The Dawning” is a limited-time free event in Destiny 2 that will take place from December 13, 2022 to January 2, 2023. As every year, there will be winter-inspired armor and of course dawning weapons, as well as frosty armor ornaments and cosmetics.
Which weapon can be earned in 2022 at the Dawning? The weapon is the 450 Stasis Pulse Rifle called Keep Cool. It comes with the origin perk “Dawning Surprise”. There will also be other wintry cosmetics to discover.
Who can attend the event? Every Guardian is invited to participate in the Dawning 2022 activities. In order to participate in the event, you do not need to own any DLC or a season pass. It is enough if you have played the first introductory mission in the cosmodrome to be there.
Vanguard: Dawn – The Crucible
This week’s Dusk Weapon: As a reward for your run, you always get a special twilight weapon. With the “Wendigo” grenade launcher and the “Disunity” scout rifle, Bungie has chosen two Guardian favorites, which will also be available as a master version later in Season 19.
Earn Des Horrors MINIMUM – Pulse Rifle in Vanguard Dawn this week.
Playlist strikes have the following modifiers this week:
Endgame: Raid challenges and dungeon rotation
This is what happens in the Raid “Königfall”:
In the current raid “Königsfall” you have to face the third raid challenge to get more loot.
The following raid requirements and challenges await you:
Additional Legacy Pinnacle Rewards from Endgame:
Crucible – This is the PvP playlist:
Playlist bonus this week:
Weekly Activities
In Season 19, called “Season of the Seraph”, the Guardians again expect various PvE activities. These include:
In addition to Season 19, the previous DLC seasons from “The Witch Queen” are still active until the next DLC Lightfall. For example, you can participate in the weekly repeatable campaign mission and earn top loot there.
Savathun’s Throne World – Weekly campaign mission
Ascendant Challenge – Dreaming City
All sources for pinnacle loot in Destiny 2 Season 19
So that you know where you can effectively grab your top loot, we offer you a quick overview of activities every week.
This is the new max level: In the new season of raiders, the maximum power level of your gear is 1,590. This means that the power level at the start of the new Season 19 has increased by +10 compared to the previous Season 18.
This top loot brings your power level up to 1,590:
Bright Dust Highlights in Eververse
This week there are new items to get in Eververse. We especially noticed the new exo ship “Seirios Majoris”, which can now be bought for 2000 Bright Dust for a week.
Other shine dust offers are:
Too little shine dust? So many great items, but already running out of Bright Dust? Then check out our tips on how to improve your Bright Dust budget.
Destiny 2: This is how you can quickly get shiny dust in 2022 – because if you don’t want to spend real money, you have to farm
Are you looking forward to the winter calm in the tower or are you just getting started as a master baker in the Anbruch event? Tell us in the comments.
In the coming year, the guardians can expect a neon green highlight in the new Lightfall.DLC:
Destiny 2: New Lightfall Trailer Reveals Spectacular Stunts – Shows Guardians Clutching Thundering Titans