Today the first week of Destiny 2: Lightfall comes to an end and the players prepare for the new raid after the campaign. MeinMMO prepares you for the week and tells you which options you can use for this.
This is happening this week: Week 2 of the new DLC already begins today and that means the raid “Root of Nightmares” is rapidly approaching. Which “root” will reveal itself in the raid is still unknown. But at least a whisper hints at odd options that were actually already slurped away in Season 19 and it seems to be going into a pyramid again.
So that you have all the times and information right at hand, you will find information about the new raid here, including the start date and power level requirements.
Destiny 2 Lightfall: Raid “Root of Nightmares” – everything to start and what you need to know
For all guardians who can’t get anything out of the endgame, there are still enough other missions open and new possibilities. The Trials and Iron Banner will be suspended for another week.
An exotic mission is still pending in Season 20. It is uncertain when this will come online. However, it could probably only happen after the Worlds First race. The raid may bring new insights into the story, the veil or the witness.
What we at MeinMMO think about the DLC Lightfall you can find out here:
MyMMO review of Destiny 2: Lightfall – chasing a DLC or justified criticism?
Destiny 2 is already getting its players excited for the endgame race and this trailer probably already shows where the new Lightfall raid will take place in Season 20:
Destiny 2: Lightfall – Trailer “Root of Nightmares” Raid Race for World First
More videos
The most important information about activities from 07.03. until 14.03.
Vanguard: Dawn – The Crucible
Earn the Dusk Weapon: na this week
That changes in Lightfall at dusks: Vanguard Challenges will be adjusted to reflect these changes in Lightfall. Bungie will also add scoring to the Vanguard Ops playlist. The higher your score, the higher the multiplier for your Vanguard rank.
Endgame: Raid challenges and dungeon rotation
Destiny 2: All playable dungeons 2022 at a glance – this is how you master them
Bungie will continue to expand these rotations of content from Season 22 onwards. Then players can not only play raids and dungeons as a “legacy”, but also old exotic missions.
Crucible – This is the rotating PvP activity:
Weekly Activities
Here are this week’s key activities. Guardians will now be able to explore the new Lightfall campaign. In year 6, instead of Savathun, the witness is now at the helm as the main antagonist in Destiny 2.
Neomuna – Weekly campaign mission
Ascendant Challenge – Dreaming City
So if you still need Triumphs from the Dreaming City, then watch out. The third level of corruption reveals new approaches with a sip of “Queen’s Leave Tincture”.
All sources for pinnacle loot in Destiny 2 Season 19
So that you know where you can effectively grab your top loot, we offer you a quick overview of activities every week.
This is the new max level: In the new Season of Resistance (Season 20), the power level increases drastically. The maximum power level of your equipment at 1,810. This means that the power level at the start of the new Season 20 has increased by +210 compared to the previous Season 19.
We list you the currently known activities that give you top loot and thus power levels so that you can level up quickly.
This top loot brings your power level up to 1,810:
Bright Dust Highlights in Eververse
There are many cosmetics to discover in Lightfall and Season 20. So take a look at Tess to see what’s new. How about this extraordinary and sleek ship? Also only costs 2000 Bright Dust of Destiny 2 earnable currency.
Here’s what else you’ll get for Bright Dust this week at Tess:
Tip: Also don’t forget to stop by Ada-1 for shaders. She now offers forgotten colors in Lightfall, which could also add to your collection and choices.
Destiny 2: Armory Boss Becomes the New Fashion Queen – Sells shaders that Guardians have long wanted back
How was your first week? Are you already ready for the new raid in Destiny 2? What’s your tip? Who is waiting there as an opponent for the players and will he continue the story? Please leave us a comment.
And if none of this interests you, check out a grumpy NPC from the old days:
Destiny 2’s grumpiest character isn’t dead – you can now let him insult you again