This week Destiny 2 is all about PvP. Both Uncle Shaxx and Saint-14 summon the Wardens and offer you more attractive options in return. In PvE, on the other hand, Sedia screeches you off the map when the twilight strike “The Corrupted” gets down to business.
This is happening this week: The most important question first. No further developments in the seasonal story await you this week either. If you are hoping to experience the finale of Season 19, you still have to be patient. New, final story developments including the secret triumph will only take place in the last two weeks before the end of the Season of the Seraph.
If that frustrates you, you can dig into Lord Shaxx and Saint-14 in PvP this week.
Especially in Trials, these are the last few weeks, where the “Forgiveness” pistol and the “Burden of Guilt” kinetic fusion rifle are still playable. In Season 20, they will be replaced by the Astral Horizon shotgun and the new The Immortal submachine gun in the loot pool, Bungie announced.
Bungie introduces the new Strand ability: So while the keepers are still doing the final errands in Season 19, Bungie has marked big changes on the horizon. So today, in a big premiere, “damage type 5” was presented. That was the working title of the new Lightfall ability, Strang, which will soon bring you Braided Armor and more.
Braided Armor is a buff that wraps Wardens in a protective web of Strand Matter, reducing incoming damage. In PvP, this armor only reduces physical damage. Headshots and melee damage remain normal.
In-game, Strang looks really fast, mobile, and utterly deadly, as this trailer shows:
Destiny 2 shows new insights into Strang – The Focus in Lightfall in its trailer
More videos
In addition, the loot shooter is already planning the spooky future for Halloween and your opinion is needed. So vote and decide which armors will come into play in Fall 2023. Here is the poll.
The most important information about activities from 07.02 to 14.02.
Vanguard: Dawn – The Crucible
This week, earn the Dusk Weapon The Birthright of the Militia (Master), a lightweight grenade launcher.
Playlist strikes have the following modifiers this week:
Endgame: Raid challenges and dungeon rotation
This is what happens in the Raid “Königfall”:
In the current raid “Königsfall” grass grows back with the first challenge. time to mow!
The following raid requirements and challenges await you:
Additional Legacy Pinnacle Rewards from Endgame:
Destiny 2: All playable dungeons 2022 at a glance – this is how you master them
Crucible – This is this week’s rotating PvP activity: Playlist bonus:
Weekly Activities
Here are the key activities for this week:
Savathun’s Throne World – Weekly campaign mission
Ascendant Challenge – Dreaming City
If you still need Triumphs from the Dreaming City, then watch out. The second level of corruption reveals new approaches with a sip of “Queen’s Leave Tincture”.
All sources for pinnacle loot in Destiny 2 Season 19
So that you know where you can effectively grab your top loot, we offer you a quick overview of activities every week.
This is the new max level: In the new season of the Seraph, the maximum power level of your equipment is 1,590. This means that the power level at the start of the new Season 19 has increased by +10 compared to the previous Season 18.
This top loot brings your power level up to 1,590:
Bright Dust Highlights in Eververse
This week, of course, there are also new shiny dust offers to get. Including 3 armor ornaments for Exotics.
Here’s what else you can buy for Bright Dust:
Too little shine dust? So many great items, but already running out of Bright Dust? Then check out our tips on how to improve your Bright Dust budget.
Destiny 2: This is how you can quickly get shiny dust in 2023 – because if you don’t want to spend real money, you have to farm
What do you say about this week? And most importantly, which Titan is getting your attention? Shaxx or Saint-14? Please leave us a comment.