Wednesday’s shooting was sheer torture and Jenna Ortega’s words sound like a cry for help

Wednesdays shooting was sheer torture and Jenna Ortegas words sound

Wednesday is breaking record after record at Netflix and dominating social media. The fantasy horror series starring Jenna Ortega is one of the Zeitgeist phenomena of the year. Most recently, however, the spin-off produced about the daughter of the Addams family negative headlines.

In an interview, leading actress Jenna Ortega said almost casually that she shot her now world-famous dance scene with a corona infection. Ortega suffered from severe symptoms, it was tested, the production awaited the test result. The official Covid protocols were therefore followed, as the production company MGM asserts. We could now file this matter as negligence, an isolated incident – if that were the only questionable story from the Wednesday set.

In fact, other statements by Jenna draw Ortega in as well disastrous picture of the production circumstances. We collate their reports.

Statement 1: Jenna Ortega on the messy Wednesday shoot

Wednesday – S01 Trailer (German) HD

The production of Wednesday took place in Romania, far from the homeland of most of the cast, which is not unusual at first. However, according to Ortega’s interview with Interview Magazine (published in October), the cast and crew didn’t have any time to prepare on location (we reported).

I have panicked my parents every night, because the job felt different than anything else I’ve done before, where I usually had time to get to grips with the character. In Romania, we immediately started training and shooting. We didn’t have time for rehearsals. It was very stressful and confusing. I did my best, but it was the most overwhelming job I’ve ever had.Statement 2: Jenna Ortega on the conflicting demands of the directing team

Tim Burton directed the first half of the series. He gave the second part to the directors Gandja Monteiro and James Marshall. However, the trio pursued different visions. Creatively seen, Jenna Ortega stood between the director’s chairs. At least an unprofessional situation that caused stress for the actress.

We are from Tim [Burton] switched to someone else, and then back to Tim, and then someone else again. Tim wanted me [als Wednesday] show no emotion at all. He wanted a smooth surface, which I understand. It’s funny and great unless you want to advance a plot. There were a lot of struggles like this because I felt like I wasn’t trusted when trying to find my own way. Like, ‘Okay, that’s her story, this is where she gets emotional.’ There’s never been so many cooks in the kitchen. I was completely lost and confused. I don’t usually have a problem speaking up. […] But I remember after the first month I was just done.
Statement 3: Jenna Ortega on the tormenting Corona shoot

In an interview with NME ahead of the series’ release, Ortega described the shoot of the famous dance scene, which she experienced with corona symptoms and “body ache” somehow brought about.

[…] i had the song [für die Szene] got about a week before and i just did what i could… It’s crazy because of it my first day with COVID was, so it was awful to film. I woke up and – it’s strange, I never get sick and when I do, it’s not that bad – had body aches. I felt like I had been hit by a car and like a little goblin had been let loose in my throat and was clawing at the walls of my esophagus. They gave me meds between takes because we were waiting for the positive result. Are Jenna Ortega’s reports from the Wednesday set screaming for help?

Wednesday – Trailer (German subtitles) HD

Let’s summarize: Young performers in particular should be given sufficient time to prepare. The main character’s creative direction should be shared by all creative minds. And an actress shouldn’t have to shoot a physically demanding scene with severe symptoms of illness – whether it’s corona, flu or a cold.

It’s not as if Ortega would publicly rail against the Wednesday crew, Netflix, or MGM. She serves her criticism of the production conditions with a spoonful of sugar, praising star director Tim Burton as her “rock” and does not address any person directly. It is cool but sharp descriptions of the prevailing circumstances. As if the still inexperienced 20-year-old actress didn’t quite dare to publicly blame her employers for mistakes.

In and of themselves, Ortega’s statements sound worrying. Put together, their statements make one not even so restrained cry for help. Apparently, an actress wants to point out in mock casualness that many things did not go optimally. Maybe because she just doesn’t feel like going through it all again in an increasingly likely second season.

So far, only the leading actress has commented on the shooting. The usual funny behind-the-scenes pictures are posted on Netflix’s social channels – while statements about the Corona shoot made the rounds. Netflix is ​​still maintaining the harmonious picture. It has hardly been credible since this week.

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