(Finance) – Webuild informs that its main shareholders, Salini and CDP Equitya company controlled, managed and coordinated by Cassa Depositi e Prestiti have rthe shareholders’ agreement was innovated early originally signed on August 2, 2019 as part of the initiative called “Project Italy”. The new agreement lasts until February 28, 2027 and provides for reciprocity of commitments regarding governance and stability of the shareholding structure. The signing of the New Agreement demonstrates the commitment of Webuild’s main shareholders also through specific lock-up commitmentswhich guarantee the continuity of governance, management and shareholder structure over a time horizon during which Webuild will be a protagonist in the construction of important infrastructure works included in the National Resilience Plan (PNRR
– National Recovery and Resilience Plan).
Webuild, renewed shareholders’ agreement between Salini and CDP