Website asks for a new name for the wrong figure in the chess, stabs a wasp nest

An important side for chess players on the Internet is They asked for a new name for the tower on platform X. That was not a problem. But the question of a new name for the runner triggered a huge debate. Because that would clearly be “Woke” and evil. The runner is the bishop in English and thus an integral part of the Christian West.

That was the idea: is a large side on the Internet that revolves around chess. You also maintain a strong game on social media. The X-Canal from now has over 644,000 followers.

Because you want to keep the fans happy, the social media managers come up with moody ideas every now and then. But an idea now lit much more than expected.

The question of whether chess players had an idea of ​​how to rename the runner triggered a huge discussion in the politically charged climate.

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It starts as a moody fun

So it started: On February 13, 2025, showed the image of the tower on X and said: “We are now accepting new name ideas for this figure.”

The answers were moody:

  • “My stupid friend calls him Tower.”
  • “Tony”
  • “The crumbly monster.”
  • So quite cheerful internet answers. The tweet reached 1 million views.

    It became a cultural struggle

    So it ended: A month later, on March 14th, does exactly the same, but asked for a name for the runner, which is called “bishop” in English. The tweet reaches 46.6 million views and the sound became significantly rougher.

    Because you saw that as an attempt to try to repay the Christian “bishop” out of the chess out of pure political correctness. Comments were about:

  • “Let me guess: you are Jewish.”
  • “Why did you try to wipe out the word Bishop?”
  • “It is a bishop.
  • “These are bishops.
  • “I am a secular and atheistic chess fan who thinks you should stop deleting the word ‘bishop’ with your attempt.”
  • Such comments then created a countermovement. People who are more politically classified on the left replied with Nazi comparisons or stated that the discussion showed how the platform X has now become.

    That is behind it. The discussion shows how politically charged the situation in the English -speaking Internet is and that postings that apparently come in innocent intentions are then very different by the recipient than planned by the transmitter. The following discussion can serve symbolically for today: Communities on Reddit prohibit the left on X after questionable gesture of Elon Musk
