Weather: a weekend cut in two, just one sunny day!

Weather a weekend cut in two just one sunny day

This weekend, the weather will be very changeable between Saturday and Sunday. However, it will be possible to enjoy a beautiful day.

With the very turbulent weather of recent months, each day of sunshine is awaited like a sesame. After a week between rain, clearings and clouds, this first weekend of October promises to be changeable. It will even be cut in two with pleasant, mild weather on one of the two days compared to autumnal weather on the second. You will have to choose the moment carefully to take your weekend stroll.

This Friday afternoon, good weather sets in over a good part of the country with significant clearings. The risk of thunderstorms remains present in the Alpes-Maritimes and the cloudy sky will remain near the border to the east. Saturday will ultimately be the ideal time to go out.

Under the effect of an anticyclone, France will see generous sunshine for the day, once the morning mist has dissipated. The fog will, in fact, be quite frequent and the temperatures cool (3 to 12 degrees) in the morning, but the sun will then dominate 3/4 of the country, depending on The Weather Channel. It will even be mild from New Aquitaine to Corsica, with up to 22 degrees. However, Brittany will already experience a disturbance with rain from the end of the afternoon.

© The Weather Channel

On Sunday, the disturbance arriving from Brittany will invade a large north-western half with intermittent rain and wind. The east and the south will remain protected from this degradation. Some nice clearings will be noticeable in the Mediterranean region. Despite this gloomy weather, temperatures will be rising: between 6 and 15 degrees in the morning and 14 and 25 degrees in the afternoon. The meter will even rise to 27°C in Landes and Béarn. This weather announces the trend for the beginning of next week: milder but rainy.

A strong low pressure context over the Atlantic Ocean brings this bad weather. Weather France For the moment, rain is forecast for almost the entire country on Monday. This could turn into a storm in the evening in the southern half of France. A real improvement therefore still seems far away…
