Wearing a mask: doctor’s office, pharmacy, compulsory where?

Wearing a mask doctors office pharmacy compulsory where

The protective mask against the Covid is no longer compulsory in transport, businesses, at school… but it still remains in certain specific places. Which ? At what age ? Rules in force.

[Mis à jour le 17 mai 2022 à 11h24] Made compulsory indoors and temporarily outdoors, wearing a protective mask against Covid is now ancient history in France….well, almost! Last obligation lifted on May 16 with the end of the mandatory mask in public transport. On the other hand, the mask is still compulsory in certain places and for certain people. Who is concerned ? Where else should I put it? Rules in force.

Can we remove the mask in all public transport?

Wearing a mask is no longer compulsory in public transport (in other words in trains, the metro, etc.) from Monday May 16, 2022, announced Olivier Véran, Minister of Health at the end of the Council of Ministers on Wednesday May 11, 2022. It nevertheless remains recommended.

Should we wear a mask on school buses?

Wearing a mask is no longer compulsory in transport, therefore also buses, from Monday May 16, 2022, announced Olivier Véran, Minister of Health at the end of the Council of Ministers on Wednesday May 11, 2022.

Should we wear a mask on planes?

In Europe, no. L’European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) published, on May 11, 2022, an update of health security measures for air travel, “dropping the recommendation for the mandatory wearing of medical masks at airports and on board flights”. “Starting next week, (i.e. Monday, May 16, editor’s note) masks will no longer be mandatory when traveling by plane“, affirmed Patrick Ky, executive director of the EASA, in an official statement.

Is wearing a mask compulsory on the train?

Wearing a mask is no longer compulsory in transport, therefore in trains and TGV, from Monday May 16, 2022, announced Olivier Véran, Minister of Health at the end of the Council of Ministers on Wednesday May 11, 2022. mask is mandatory for all the users aged 6 and overas well as for staff in planes of certain companies such as Air France.

In which places do you still have to wear a mask?

The wearing of mask remains compulsory from 6 years old in the health and medico-social establishments as well as in the places of practice of health professionals (there is mandatory for caregivers, patients and visitors). Specifically, as detailed in governmentyou must wear a mask in the following places:

  • nursing home
  • Healthcare establishments: hospital, clinic, etc.
  • pharmacies,
  • Medical biology laboratories
  • Medical offices
  • Health centers
  • Multi-professional health centers
  • Nursing offices
  • Masso physiotherapy practices.

“It also remains recommended in closed places and large gatherings for fragile peoplebecause of their age or their pathologies” specifies the government in a communicated of May 12.

Do you have to wear a mask to go to the pharmacy?

Yes, since pharmacies are places of health, wearing a mask is always compulsory. This goes for the professionals who work there and for the customers.

Is wearing a mask compulsory in the workplace?

Since March 14, wearing a mask is no longer compulsory in closed places and businesses are part of it. On this same date, the Covid protocol has completely ended at work. Wearing a mask (in category 1 or surgical fabric) was made compulsory on September 1, 2020 everywhere in companies, whether public or private. However, wearing a mask remains recommended for the contact cases, and the symptomatic people and those at risk specify the Ministry of Economy.

Is wearing a mask compulsory at school?

Nope ! Since March 14, the Wearing a mask is no longer compulsory indoors in schools, at all levels (primary, middle school, high school, university…). The mask was not already more mandatory outdoors since returning from winter vacation. As of March 14, 2022, the health protocol goes to level 1/green level for all schools and educational establishments in the national territory, confirms the ministry. This transition to level 1 involves in particular: the end of the obligation to limit mixing between groups of students ; the end of restrictions on the practice of physical and sporting activities; measures relating to hand washing, ventilation and surface disinfection are maintained. L’obligation to wear a mask indoors is also lifted, from March 14, for all staff consistent with changes in the general population. “However, staff who wish to do so can of course continue to wear the mask.”

► The Wearing a mask indoors is strongly recommended, from the age of 6, for at-risk contact persons during the 7 days after the occurrence of the confirmed case as well as for confirmed cases during the 7 days following their period of isolation.

► Finally, wearing a mask may be recommended on medical advice.

Do you have to wear the mask in stores?

Since March 14, the mask is no longer compulsory in indoor public places, including in stores: supermarkets, shopping centers, small businesses (bakery, hairdresser, etc.). Nevertheless, the Ministry of Health recommends that people at risk to develop a severe form of Covid-19; people symptomatic Where case contacts of continue to wear the mask in closed places and large gatherings.

Should I wear a mask outside? Outside ?

Wearing a mask is not no longer compulsory outside France since February 2, 2022.Nevertheless, respect everywhere, including outdoors, for barrier gestures is essential: respect for social distancing, regular hand washing, use of hydroalcoholic gel. When the respect for social distancing is not possible, outside, everyone is invited to wear a mask protection” underlines the Paris prefecture.

Is the mask compulsory in Paris?

Wearing a mask is no longer mandatory in the streets of Paris since February 2 2022. It is no longer compulsory either in closed places (museums, theatres, cinemas, marquees, monuments, lounges, fairs, fairgrounds, libraries, conservatories, swimming pools, gymnasiums, discotheques, bars, restaurants, etc.) and in the transports.

From what age is the mask compulsory?

In places requiring the wearing of a mask, wearing a mask is compulsory from the age of 6.

What fine if you don’t wear the mask?

Not wearing a mask in a place where it is compulsory can be sanctioned with a 4th class fine which is defined by a fixed fine of 135 euros. But the amount of the fine varies from city to city.. Its amount is indicated when the prefectural decree is published.


End of the “vaccination pass” and the mandatory mask. Government. March 14, 2022.

National protocol to ensure the health and safety of company employees in the face of the Covid-19 epidemic. Version applicable on September 1, 2021

Wearing a “general public” mask is compulsory in closed places – FAQ from the website of the Ministry of Solidarity and Health.
