Wearing a mask: compulsory, doctor, where, when to put it on?

Wearing a mask compulsory doctor where when to put it

Epidemiologists and members of the government are calling for masks to be worn in crowded places such as public transport. Should I also take him to the doctor? In pharmacies? In which places especially to protect yourself from Covid and other viruses?

[Mis à jour le 15 décembre 2022 à 12h55] As the epidemic rebounds in France, epidemiologists and members of the government call for vigilance. “Let’s wear the mask as soon as we are with fragile people or in crowded areas, such as public transport” declared Elisabeth Borne, Prime Minister, during the session of questions to the government, at the National Assembly on 29 November. Nonetheless, the return of the wearing of the compulsory mask is not clearly topical : “There is no automatism, because the criteria (for his return, editor’s note) are multiple“, declared the Minister of Health, François Braun, on franceinfo December 13. “We can clearly see that we are facing a triple epidemic: influenza, Covid and bronchiolitis, this set makes things complicated” he continued, believing that we have to get out of this logic where we systematically need texts to make simple gestures“When do you really have to wear a mask? Which one? pharmacy ? HAS the hospital ? Rules effective this fall.

Where is the mask compulsory today?

the mask is no longer compulsory in France since August 1, 2022. Including in hospitals, pharmacies, among doctors… Finally, in general. Because a decree published in the Official Journal indicates that the person in charge of the establishment or the medico-social service may decide to make it compulsory in hospitals, clinics, health centers, medical offices, pharmacies, nursing homes… For example, Paris hospitals (AP-HP) have decided to maintain this measure: wearing a mask remains compulsory inside hospital buildings AP-HP (not in outdoor areas) for staff, patients and visitors“, they indicated to our colleagues from the Figaro July 28, 2022. In other words, wearing the mask remains compulsory from 6 years old in the Paris hospital establishments (he is there mandatory for caregivers, patients and visitors). The Academy of Medicine recommends wearing a mask in hospitals, dispensaries, health centers and pharmacies, and in closed spaces open to the public, such as public transport during peak periods.

Where is the mask recommended?

Let’s wear the mask as soon as we are with fragile people or in crowded areas, such as public transport. It’s small gestures that save lives, we know that. They are decisive in reversing the epidemic“, insisted Elisabeth Borne, Prime Minister, during the session of questions to the government, at the National Assembly on November 29, 2022. For example:

  • public transport (train, bus, taxi…)
  • performance halls (concerts, etc.)
  • shopping centers
  • bars
  • restaurants
  • cultural establishment (cinema, museum, etc.)
  • meeting rooms
  • health establishments, Ehpad…

The Academy of Medicine has also shared its recommendations and recommends wearing it in hospitals, dispensaries, health centers and pharmacies, and in closed spaces open to the public, such as public transport during peak periods.

When to put on an FFP2 mask?

L’National Academy of Medicine recommended wearing a face mask type FFP2 in closed public spaces for the elderly or carriers of comorbidities, for the entourage and health professionals who are in contact with vulnerable people, and for pregnant women, even when they are up to date with their vaccinations.

Is the mask compulsory in transport?

The mask is no longer compulsory in transport but it is “strongly recommended” to wear it, recalls the Ministry of Health François Braun “to protect yourself and others from the coronavirus”. Brigitte Autran, the president of Covars (Committee for monitoring and anticipating health risks) which replaces the Scientific Council recommends “wear masks very often“.

Is the mask compulsory on a train?

Wearing a mask is no longer compulsory in transport, therefore in trains and TGV but there is strongly recommended by the government and the president of SNCF.

Is the mask compulsory on the plane?

In Europe, no. L’European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) published, on May 11, 2022, an update of health security measures for air travel, “dropping the recommendation for the mandatory wearing of medical masks at airports and on board flights” [depuis le 16 mai officiellement].

Is the mask compulsory at the pharmacy?

Nope, since August 1, the mask is no longer mandatory in pharmacies. On the other hand, the head of the establishment has the right to continue to impose the wearing of a mask for people from 6 years old.

Is the mask compulsory at the doctor?

Nope, since August 1, the mask is no longer compulsory in medical offices and at the doctor’s. On the other hand, the head of the medical office has the right to continue to impose the wearing of a mask for people from the age of 6.

Is the mask compulsory in the hospital?

Since August 1, the mask is no longer compulsory in the hospital. Nevertheless, according to Public Service websitethe heads of health establishments have the right to continue to impose the wearing of a mask inside buildings, in the following establishments (from 6 years old):

  • Hospitals, clinics, health centers
  • Offices of medical professionals and psychologists, osteopaths, chiropractors and psychotherapists
  • Pharmacies
  • Medical analysis laboratories
  • Ehpad: Accommodation establishment for dependent elderly people
  • Homes of the elderly or disabled who receive care (the obligation may be imposed by the employer of the professional who carries out home interventions).

From what age is the mask compulsory?

In places requiring the wearing of a mask, wearing a mask is compulsory from the age of 6.

What fine if you don’t wear the mask?

Not wearing a mask in a place where it is compulsory can be sanctioned with a 4th class fine which is defined by a fixed fine of 135 euros. But the amount of the fine varies from city to city.. Its amount is indicated when the prefectural decree is published.


End of the “vaccination pass” and the mandatory mask. Government. March 14, 2022.

National protocol to ensure the health and safety of company employees in the face of the Covid-19 epidemic. Version applicable on September 1, 2021

Wearing a “general public” mask is compulsory in closed places – FAQ from the website of the Ministry of Solidarity and Health.
