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Agatha Thine
Journalist – Head of Pregnancy, Baby, Family, Alternative Medicine sections

Due to a resumption of the COVID-19 epidemic on French territory, the departments which were no longer subject to the obligation to wear a mask for schoolchildren will have to impose it again on children from Monday. November 15. All schools go back from level 1 to level 2 of the National Education protocol.
Return of the mask in all schools
In all metropolitan departments and overseas, students will have to put the mask back on in class from Monday November 15 due to an incidence rate again above 50 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. Schools will have to apply at least level 2 of the National Education protocol, which, in addition to wearing a mask in class, provides for reinforced protective measures such as the limitation of mixing by level, the increase in the number of disinfections and the respect for physical distance during sports activities. Schools that have already moved to level 3 or 4 of the protocol, as is the case in Guyana, remain at this level.