“Weapon” message from Zelensky: We would have finished this war long ago

Weapon message from Zelensky We would have finished this war

Evaluating the latest developments regarding the war, a remarkable statement came from the President of Ukraine, Zelenskiy. Emphasizing the need for weapons in his speech, Zelenskiy said that if they had weapons that could compete with Russia, they could have ended the war long ago.

In his address to the nation, Zelensky stated that Ukraine’s military tactics are clearly superior, but its weapon strength is weak, adding: “If we had access to weapons that are comparable to the weapons used by our partners and used by the Russian Federation, we would have finished this war long ago. We have already re-established peace and restored our lands. “We would have saved it from the invaders because the superiority of the Ukrainian army in tactics and wisdom is quite clear,” he said.


“Therefore, in every contact, in all negotiations, in all negotiations with the leaders of the democratic world, I emphasize the simple truth. It is not fair that Ukraine has to ask about the weapons that its partners have hidden somewhere for years. If they have the weapons that Ukraine needs here, then above all its freedom,” Zelensky said. “It is their moral duty to help protect them. Help save the lives of thousands of Ukrainians,” he said. (DHA)
