We work “tirelessly” for the Swede in Iran

We work tirelessly for the Swede in Iran

Updated 10:34 | Posted 10:23 am

full screen The EU’s foreign minister promises that the EU will work for the Swede’s release. Archive image. Photo: Virginia Mayo/AP

The EU’s head of foreign affairs, Josep Borrell, says that the EU is working “tirelessly” for the release of the Swede arrested in Iran.

Borrell named the man and confirmed in connection with a meeting in Spain that the Swede, who is in his 30s, works as an EU diplomat.

– I really want to emphasize that I personally and my entire team at all levels in close cooperation with the Swedish authorities and the man’s family have pressed for Iran to release him, says Borrell.

He emphasized that the case is high on the agenda and that they will not give up until he is free.

– At every diplomatic meeting, at every level, we have raised the issue. Tirelessly.

On Monday, the information spread that the Swedish EU diplomat had been arrested in Iran and had now been imprisoned for 500 days. The Swedish Foreign Ministry confirmed the information and later Foreign Minister Tobias Billström (M) also made a statement on the matter.

“The government has worked and is working very intensively on the case. The person in question is arbitrarily deprived of liberty and must therefore be released immediately,” he wrote in a statement to SVT.
