“We win every day by taking an interest in health”, the new Inserm campaign

We win every day by taking an interest in health

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    A year after a major poster campaign in French Sncf stations, Inserm is rolling out its slogan “We all win by taking an interest in health” in an advertising spot visible on television from June 7 to July 30. The opportunity to see health as a daily subject.

    Eat well, sleep well, take care of your joints, your brain… Health is not just a subject that comes up in the event of illness, but a daily subject, which is reflected in all our small actions, revisions to sport, hobbies to food. It is in this vein that Inserm has been presenting a commercial since June 7 featuring a public square, and all the health topics that can be discovered there.

    The daily scrutinized by Inserm in a spot

    Directed by Ugo Mangin with the support of the Insign agency at the request of the Inserm communication department, this spot illustrates how many of our daily actions are – without our knowing it – the result of research carried out within the Institute.

    During the 30-second sequence, the viewer is immersed in the thoughts of a woman, in a public square in town, who comments on scenes of everyday life that she sees around her. This is how we learn that a saxophonist has kept his breath thanks to special proteins, that the Nutri-Score allows a young woman to eat a sandwich good for her health or that a man in the strength of age continues to skateboard thanks to its chondrocytes.

    Health, an ever more astonishing field

    In line with the 2022 poster campaign, the bias of integrating amazing and complex science words into an everyday scene has been retained to challenge viewers and encourage them to want to know more by visiting the site. Inserm website. The institute thus surfs on the attraction of the French for health, and science in general.

    “Inserm is a strong brand, a quality label in health science, in which the French have confidence. Nevertheless, we need to be ever more visible and anchored in everyone’s daily life to know how to inform about our research as closely as possible to needs and to show the results. This campaign is the link between the biomedical science produced at Inserm and its concrete translation for the health of all of us”indicates the Inserm communication department.

    An attraction for health which was accentuated during the Covid 19 crisis, and to which Inserm intends to respond. “It is essential that the general public realize that excellent research is the breeding ground for quality medicine. It is our role to find new, more promising and more effective treatments as knowledge advances”concludes Prof. Didier Samuel, Chairman and CEO of Inserm.
