We will do our best to support Finland and Sweden if the countries decide to apply to NATO

We will do our best to support Finland and Sweden

The Nordic prime ministers met with the Indian prime minister in Copenhagen on Wednesday. The Nordic prime ministers said they wanted a quick NATO application process if Finland and Sweden decided to apply for a defense alliance.

COPENHAGEN Prime minister Sanna Marin met his Swedish counterpart in Sweden on Wednesday Magdalena AnderssoninDenmark Mette FrederiksenNorway Jonas Gahr StørenIceland Katrín Jakobsdóttirin as well as India Narendra Modin In Copenhagen.

The leaders discussed, among other things, the changed security situation in Europe and co-operation between the Nordic countries and India.

The prime ministers of the Nordic NATO countries were united in their views on Finland’s and Sweden’s membership of NATO.

– It is important that Finland and Sweden make a decision on applying to NATO nationally, but if the application process is launched, the countries will receive our full support, the Prime Minister of Denmark Frederiksen.

– We are a small country, but we will do everything we can to support their membership, the Prime Minister of Iceland Jakobsdóttir continued.

Marin said that Finland will make the decision to apply in the coming weeks rather than in the coming months. According to the prime ministers, a fast application process is one of the most important guarantees of security.

The Prime Minister of Norway, Jonas Gahr Støre, pointed out that a change in the security situation in one of the Nordic countries would affect all the Nordic countries.

– If both countries decide to apply for membership, it would be good to do so on the same day, he said.

However, the prime ministers did not specify what kind of security guarantees Norway, Denmark and Iceland could provide during the NATO application process.

“We made our position completely clear to India”

The war in Ukraine was also the number one topic of discussion between the Nordic and Indian prime ministers. India has demanded a ceasefire in the war but has not directly condemned the Russian attack.

– I made it quite clear to the Prime Minister what we think about the situation and how we hope India will react, Mette Frederiksen said.

Frederiksen said the meeting yielded many results, but despite attempts by journalists, no further discussions between the countries were revealed.

From Denmark, Marin will continue to Warsaw, Poland, where he will attend a conference in support of Ukraine.
