We were wrong all this time! The most common mistake when brushing teeth

We were wrong all this time The most common mistake

To maintain dental health, it is necessary to pay attention to dental care. Smoking, acidic beverages, inadequate dental care, wrong brushing techniques affect the health of the teeth. Almost all of the society brushes their teeth incorrectly. Doctor Edmond Hewlett says you shouldn’t rinse your mouth with water after brushing. This is because toothpaste contains fluoride, a key ingredient that helps make tooth enamel harder and more resistant to cavities-causing acids.


The dental professor adds that delaying rinsing means leaving the fluoride in the toothpaste in your mouth longer. Dr Hewlett also recommends waiting at least 15 minutes after brushing to drink any fluids. If you feel the sharp taste of toothpaste left in your mouth due to lack of rinsing, the expert says, don’t worry. He explains that your saliva will naturally clean the toothpaste so you don’t have to taste it all day.

PEOPLE WITHOUT rotten teeth can use fluoride toothpaste.

The dentist claims that as long as you brush the standard for at least two minutes twice a day, the fluoride will stay in your mouth to help protect your teeth. Dr Hewlett adds that your specific dental health will play an important role in effectiveness. “If your teeth don’t get cavities, you should continue to use fluoride toothpaste. The decision to rinse or not rinse after brushing probably won’t make a difference.” On the other hand, for those struggling with cavities, not rinsing is probably a better decision.
