We went aboard the Leopard 2 battle tank – this is the weapon that Ukraine craves from Europe

We went aboard the Leopard 2 battle tank this

Ukraine has long wanted battle tanks from the West to help in the war against Russia. It might get them soon. We jumped on the bandwagon that the whole of Europe is now talking about.

Kai Byman,

Pasi Peiponen,

Mimmi Nietula

This is what a scrum looks like with a Leopard 2 main battle tank.

visited the Armored Brigade at Parolannum in Kanta-Häme, got aboard a Leopard 2 vehicle and saw from the parade ground what it’s like to ride the weapons that are so sought after by Ukraine.

Ukraine has been asking the West for modern Western tanks for a long time. The country has announced that it needs 300-400 battle tanks in addition to its own 1,000 Soviet-made tanks of various levels.

Thanks to Western armor donations, Ukraine could start pushing Russian troops behind its borders. It could be a significant help to Ukraine in the war against Russia.

Leopard’s 2A6 model is currently the most common main battle tank in Europe, and they have been at the center of the tank debate. Finland is also considering handing over tanks to the Ukrainian forces.

Tanks would be of such use

Leopard 2 tanks are in use at least in the Netherlands, Austria, Greece, Norway, Portugal, Poland, Sweden, Germany, Finland, Switzerland, Denmark and Hungary. In Europe, there are a couple of thousand carriages in total.

Outside of Europe, Leopards have been acquired by at least Chile, Canada, Qatar and Turkey.

So far, Western countries have not warmed to the idea of ​​supplying battle armor. However, the floodgates opened last week, when the countries arming Ukraine decided for the first time to export tanks to the country.

It was about the Marder-type assault tanks, which France, Germany and the United States are taking to the war zone. With these lighter tanks, it would be possible to protect Ukrainian tanks during counterattacks against Russia.

The main task of the Leopards on the front would be to destroy the corresponding equipment of the Russians. They would be especially necessary in battles where Ukraine is trying to take back territories occupied by the enemy. Leopards would give the Ukrainians a military technological edge if they could be used effectively.

Finland also has Leopard battle tanks in its warehouses, about 200 in total.

What is Finland doing?

A source has told that Finland would also be ready to consider donating Leopard 2 battle tanks to Ukraine, if several other countries were to do the same.

Read also: Source for : Finland would consider donating battle tanks to Ukraine if several countries were to do the same

Politicians believe that major NATO countries, such as Germany and France, have the leading responsibility for assisting Ukraine, even in terms of armored vehicles.

The MPs have proposed some degree of handing over Leopard battle armor to Ukraine Anders Adlercreutz (r.) and Atte Harjanne (green) and chairman of the defense committee Antti Häkkänen (collect.).

Due to arms export agreements, the export of Leopards from Finland, for example, requires Germany’s consent, because it is German-made armament. Poland announced on Monday that it could deliver a dozen Leopards to Ukraine.

The nations arming Ukraine will meet next week at the US military base in Ramstein, Germany. At that time, it is scheduled to decide on the new armed support of Western countries for Ukraine, while Russia destroys the country’s infrastructure with its continuous attacks.

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