“We want to apologize”

We want to apologize

On Wednesday, SVT’s “Morgonstudion” was broadcast as usual. The presenter, who usually conveys news, then stops and says that SVT apologizes for an earlier feature.

It was only after a viewer got in touch and said that one of the guests in “Morgonstudion” wore a symbol associated with anti-Semitic propaganda that SVT reacted. The feature was about the war in Gaza.

A large part of the motif is hidden under the element of text and image but can still be distinguished.

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Photo: Screenshot/SVT Play. Photo: Screenshot/SVT Play. SVT apologizes to the viewers

During Wednesday, the host of “Morgonstudion” is heard apologizing to the viewers.

“And let us say that it has been brought to our attention that one of our guests has been wearing a shirt with a motif used in anti-Semitic propaganda. We would like to apologize for that.”

According to SVT’s news manager Judit Ek SVT had internal meetings on Thursday.

– We have reminded each other about this because this happens every now and then and it doesn’t have to be just political symbols but it can be all sorts of different expressions or advertising messages. And then something like this happens and then we are reminded that we need to sharpen up and be extra careful and vigilant, says Ek in an interview with Expressen.

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Photo: Jessica Gow/TT.News director: “Don’t want this type of subject to be exposed”

Ek believes that SVT does not want such symbols to have a place in their broadcasts, regardless of whether it is a guest or not.

– It is part of our target group that perceives this as anti-Semitism. And we don’t want this type of motif to be exposed in our broadcasts, she says the newspaper.

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