We use it very often! Causes lung collapse

We use it very often Causes lung collapse

The use of phones and computers continues to affect the lives of people of all ages. The virtual world disconnects people from reality and causes many diseases. Especially in recent years, the increasing use of technology causes lung collapse. Making statements about lung collapse (pneumothorax) and calling for young people to do sports, Thoracic Surgery Specialist. Kiss. Dr. Köksal Yurda Eken emphasized the importance of active life and correct sitting, expressing that they encountered undesirable results in cases that could not be intervened on time.


Kiss. Dr. Köksal Yurda Eken said, “The increasing use of technology in recent years causes young people to be inactive. Over time, we may encounter diseases that we do not want. One of the most important of these is Pneumothorax, that is, lung collapse. Pneumothorax is the presence of free air in the chest cavity. The lung becomes an air-filled organ after the first breath after birth, and this situation continues for life. Pneumothorax occurs when this air escapes from the lungs and accumulates in the chest cavity for various reasons. The function of the lung on the side of the pneumothorax is partially or completely lost. “A significant portion of pneumothorax cases require surgical or conservative medical intervention, and a smaller proportion can heal spontaneously,” he said.



Kiss. Dr. Köksal Yurda Eken continued her words, underlining the increased incidence in young people and warned families. Eken said: “Genetic (hereditary) factors, traumas and smoking have an important place among the causes of pneumothorax seen in young people. In recent years, there has been an increase in medical observations that pneumothorax is more common in those who lead a sedentary life in childhood and early youth. Habits such as computer games, internet and television that lead children and young people to a sedentary life play an important role in this. Thanks to the elasticity of the lungs, it moves in harmony with the rib cage during breathing movements. The filling and discharge of air into the lung tissue also depends on the patency of the airways and their appropriate humidity. It is thought that this elasticity decreases and ‘air trapping’ increases in those who lead a sedentary life. Air trapping is the inability to fully empty the air entering the lungs. Air bubbles called ‘bullae’ form because the intrapulmonary air pressure is above normal for these people. Since these air bubbles are thin-walled, they easily burst and form pneumothorax. All families and young people need to engage in activities to change these habits. In this regard, it is very important for educational institutions and governing bodies to encourage our children to engage in sports and live an active life.”
