“We, universalist feminists, want to win the cultural battle!” – The Express

The whole world will know the extent of Hamas sadism

We are pacifists, non-violent and non-violent, we are for the debate of ideas and the defense of opinions. We are plural and deeply attached to the unity of our struggles. Our greatest weapon is our common culture, the one that binds us in our daily battles to defend, here and elsewhere, the cause of women. Since October 7, 2023, we have stood alone alongside Israeli women. We, left-wing progressives, feminists and Republicans call on feminists not to choose sides!

During the feminist marches organized on November 25 and March 8, and while we came to provide our support to Israeli women victims of rape, we were prevented from demonstrating, exfiltrated or assaulted. Since #Metoo, we, feminists, have highlighted the presumption of truthfulness for the words of women victims. But suddenly, regarding October 7, certain left-wing movements are contesting this common claim of “we believe you” and calling into question the words of Israeli women, demanding “proof”. Being a feminist means fighting rape all over the world, all rapes, without exception.

READ ALSO: Inna Shevchenko: “Feminism is losing its moral compass”

We are humanists, we fight all discrimination, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, all kinds of racism just as we must fight against all sexual violence, all rape and all hatred of others. On April 12, 2024, the European Union finally sanctioned Hamas for “widespread sexual violence” during the October 7 attack on Israel. The European report indicates that al-Qassam, the armed wing of Hamas, and other Palestinian armed groups committed serious violations of international law against civilians on October 7 and 8: rape, sexual assault and torture. require the establishment of all responsibilities, in accordance with international law. Israel’s subsequent military response and the means and methods of war chosen by Israel resulted in enormous suffering for the Palestinian people. This same report highlights that flagrant violations of international law have been committed, including the large-scale killing of civilians. Women and children were particularly affected.

Today we refuse to remain silent when it comes to making war crimes that target our sisters, our mothers and our daughters invisible. Rape is a weapon of war, recognized and embraced by the enemies of women, democracy and secularism. Whether in France, Somalia, Ukraine, Iran, Afghanistan or anywhere else in the world – NEVER – ANYWHERE – Israel included – we cannot trivialize it or put up with it.

“Let’s talk about gynocide and not genocide”

Already 20 years ago, Antoinette Fouque wrote: “I have not contented myself, for thirty years, with listing the catalog of permanent gynocide which is perpetuated on the planet. I have endeavored to analyze its causes. I think that at the basis of this hatred towards women, which ravages the human species, there is the primordial, archaic, universal and radically denied envy of their procreative capacity, of this specific part which, with gestation, falls to them in the production of the human species. This desire, which is misogyny itself, is the basis of any system of exclusion of the other and the root of all racism, of all exploitation. (“If it’s a woman”, in There are two sexes. Feminology essays, revised and expanded edition, Gallimard, 2004). At a time when some invoke the semantics of the Shoah to cloak themselves in false identity battles and create a screen, the words are there, the evil is posed, let’s talk about gynocide and not genocide.

READ ALSO: “A curious feminism”: they denounce the turn taken by the demonstration of November 25

Feminists, universalists and secularists, let’s wake up! Like Jaurès who called for a “Republic carried out to the end”, let us assume to lead the feminist fight to the end by fighting sexual and sexist violence in all circumstances and in all places. Let us stand alongside everyone without distinction: Iranian women who are prevented from living free by a caste of religious obscurantists, Afghan women who face the various tortures of the Taliban regime, Gambian women whose government wants to once again legalize excision, Israeli women silenced because they are Jewish, Palestinian women caught in a vice between Hamas and the response of the Israeli government, Congolese women raped and mutilated out of a desire for societal destruction, European women fighting to have abortion recognized in all member states, etc. We refuse the silence imposed on women who fight to live freely, think, dress and express themselves as they wish. We will always stand alongside those who suffer domination in the name of a God, a power, a father or a brother.

We also refuse to silence the voices that are raised. Despite the attacks and intimidation, in the face of the simplifications and lies of populists but faithful to our values, let us be this resolutely feminist, universalist and humanist pillar. We will always stand alongside those who suffer and we cry “Woman, Life, Liberty”.

This column was written by Cécile Fadat, Deputy Mayor of Condat-sur-Vienne – National Council of the PS; Sadia Hadj-Abdelkader, municipal councilor in Bègles; Camille Vizioz-Brami, elected official for the 9th arrondissement of Paris – Federal Secretary in charge of engagement

First signatories:

Laurence ROSSIGNOL/senator of Val de Marne

Rachid TEMAL/senator of Val d’Oise

Carole DELGA/president of the Occitanie region

Emmanuel GRÉGOIRE/1st Deputy Mayor of Paris

Emma RAFOWICZ/president of the JS

Michaël DELAFOSSE/mayor of Montpellier

Halima DELIMI/representative of the national bodies of the PS

Nicolas MAYER-ROSSIGNOL/mayor of Rouen

Gabrielle SIRY-HOUARI/member of the PS national office

Dylan BOUTIFLAT/National Secretary for International Affairs

Yasmine AL JAÏ/national secretary in charge of gender equality

Bassem ASSEH/1st deputy mayor of Nantes

Laure BOTELLA/national secretary

Yannick TRIGANCE/national secretary in charge of education

Béatrice HAKNI-ROBIN/deputy at Rennes town hall

Frédéric ORAIN/deputy at the town hall of Blois

Eléonore SMADJA/deputy mayor of the 12th arrondissement of Paris

Aubin VERILHAC/federal secretary PS Drôme

Mahor CHICHE/Paris councilor of the 19th arrondissement

Marie LE VERN/national secretary for feminist transition

And some 120 others…
