We think it’s healthy, but it’s not! Cardiologist reveals 6 foods he never eats to prevent heart disease

We think its healthy but its not Cardiologist reveals 6

It is necessary to regulate life and eating habits in order to prevent heart diseases, which cause the death of millions of people every year. A sedentary lifestyle, stress, harmful habits and unhealthy diet cause serious problems. Recent research has found that some heart diseases have increased in people under the age of 40 over the past decade. According to doctors, a western lifestyle, which often includes eating processed foods, fuels heart disease.

Dr. Sharonne and fellow cardiologist Dr. Andrew Freeman shared some of the most important foods they try to limit to protect their heart health. Unconscious consumption of these foods can cause risky situations.



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Experts explain that processed meats like sausages are high in calories, saturated fat, salt and additives like nitrates. All of these additives have adverse effects on heart health. Andrew said in a statement that heart health is not the only thing that can suffer from an overindulgence in hot dogs. He announced that the World Health Organization has determined that eating processed meat causes cancer.


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Doctors advised you to stay away from the salty, crunchy little bags of processed carbs you can find in vending machines. According to the NHS, high salt consumption can raise blood pressure. Eating too much salt is a major risk factor for high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke. “Nature has provided us with exactly the food we need to eat; we just have to eat them,” he warns against packaged foods.


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Eating too much sugar can contribute to people eating too many calories, which can lead to weight gain. The NHS explains that being overweight increases your risk of health problems such as heart disease, certain cancers and type 2 diabetes. Dr. Sharonne says she indulges herself no more than once a week and keeps her portion small to limit calories.


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“It’s not uncommon to see people getting twice as much protein as they need in a day, which can tire the kidneys and cause more problems later on,” the doctors say.

A recent study found that men consuming a high-protein diet increased their risk of developing heart failure by 33 percent. Another issue, the American Heart Association warns, is that protein from meat is often high in saturated fats, which can raise cholesterol levels.


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Dr. Andrew said he avoids energy drinks at all costs. Studies have found that the combination of sugar and caffeine found in drinks can cause problems such as high blood pressure or arrhythmias. That doesn’t mean you have to skip the caffeine, the expert said.

It is quite healthy to drink tea or coffee in moderation every day. Other research suggests that two cups of coffee a day may lower your risk of type 2 diabetes.


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Many people consider coconut oil to be a healthy fat alternative. However, coconut oil can create risky situations. It is also used in studies in mice and rats to mimic cholesterol blockades in the arteries, known as atherosclerosis. Dr. Andrew recommends that people use it as a humidifier but keep it out of the kitchen.
