We Spent 1.3 Trillion Hours on the Internet This Year!

We Spent 13 Trillion Hours on the Internet This Year

World-renowned data research group Domo, researched the time people spend online this year. According to the results of the research, in 2023 there will be 1.3 trillion hours We spent time.

With the development of technology, almost every person in the world has access to the internet. The internet has become the medium where people spend most of their time today. So how much time do people spend on the internet per day? Considering this, the world-famous data research group Domo shared surprising information with us.

Domo has been preparing since 2013 and shows how much time people spend on the internet every year, every day and every minute.Data Never Sleeps” published his report. According to the published report, the world spent 1,300,000,000,000 hours, or simply 1.3 trillion hours, on the internet in 2023. This year, pop icon Taylor Swift was listened to 69.4 thousand times per minute. Additionally, artificial intelligence icon ChatGPT answered 3.6 billion queries.

According to the published report, 241 million e-mails were sent every minute this year. Additionally, there are 6.3 million searches on Google every minute. It is worth saying that there is a noticeable increase when looking at last year’s figures.

Amazon customers spend $455,000 every minute buying things from the mega-retailer. But Venmo has become even more popular, with users making $463,000 in purchases per minute through the service. On the other hand, investors bought and sold treasury bills worth $398 million online every minute. The global internet population reached 5.2 billion.

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