“Among the Schweitzers, no one is a hunter.” Within this family of Alsatian origin, respect for all life is part of a tradition that dates back to Albert Schweitzer, Protestant theologian, musician and doctor. The Nobel Peace Prize winner in 1952 accepted that a disease-carrying mosquito should be killed in Africa, but not in Europe. Today, his great-nephew Louis Schweitzer, Énarque, who was the director of Laurent Fabius’s office, notably at Matignon, from 1984 to 1986, and CEO of Renault between 1992 and 2005, devotes part of his time to the Foundation animal law, ethics and sciences (LFDA), which has set itself the mission of reducing the suffering of animals. On December 5, this 81-year-old humanist, resolutely optimistic, co-organized with the Adrienne-et-Pierre-Sommer Foundation a conference at UNESCO, in Paris, on the transmission of animal ethics to students, from primary to secondary school. Gabriel Attal, Minister of Education, will deliver the closing speech.
L’Express: What is your vision of animal protection?
Louis Schweitzer: I favor the reformist path, quite simply because it is more effective in obtaining progress. If we stop raising chickens or pigs in France, other countries will do it, in much worse conditions. Eventually the problem will just be moved. Furthermore, the numerous animal protection associations must, to convince, work together. I am not vegan and I denounce violent organizations, but L214’s role as a whistleblower is undeniable.
Why is National Education a key element of the file?
Each year, LFDA addresses a major animal subject. Transmission to children is essential, because the law of November 30, 2021 aimed at combating animal abuse includes an educational component that is incompletely applied. Today, SVT programs [sciences de la vie et de la Terre] consider the animal as a species, with studies on biology, without remembering that it is endowed with sensitivity. However, the Civil Code has recognized this ability since 2015, even if wildlife is still poorly protected. Let us consider each animal as a unique individual who deserves our empathy. LFDA has also drafted a declaration of animal rights which proclaims this sensitivity and prohibits any act of cruelty.
Do you regret that the 2021 law, which protects cats, dogs and even horses, does not address the issue of hunting?
Indeed, this text, which has the merit of being a first in our country, does not deal with hunting. However, we must stop hunts that threaten biodiversity, particularly those targeting migratory birds such as the skylark or the lapwing. It is dishonorable and scandalous that France is still subverting certain European protection rules. We must also put an end to cruel hunting: the underground hunting of badgers, hunting with hounds, etc.
Do you condemn bullfighting shows?
Yes. Bullfighting is another distressing practice. It doesn’t matter if the number of bulls or bull calves involved is small: any gratuitous act of cruelty must be eradicated. It is a moral question: war can be legitimate, torture cannot. Its ban requires strong political will.
In 2021, the legislator also gave up regulating breeding. What do you think ?
It is an economic activity and not a leisure activity like hunting. Therefore, regulating it is more complex, because it imposes additional costs on farmers. However, households keen to preserve their food budget often favor inexpensive meats and eggs, generally imported. The only solution favorable to virtuous breeding is labeling that values farmers’ investments. The consumer is better informed, and he can agree to pay the additional cost linked to animal welfare. To this end, the foundation defends a scientific scale, controlled by a trusted third party, which covers the entire life of the animal, from birth to slaughter, including transport.
How can the French find their way?
The informative labeling concerning animal welfare is designed with letters, from A to E, and color codes, from green to red. It already concerns chicken and will extend to all species: pork in 2024, then chickens and their eggs, cattle, turkeys, rabbits, fish. This approach brings together defense organizations – CIWF, OABA, Welfarm –, distributors – Casino, Intermarché, Carrefour, Auchan… – and producers: Les Fermiers de Loué, Fleury Michon…
Its implementation is gradual, because it may require heavy investments. This is the case when it is necessary to acquire “freedom maternities”, which prevent sows from spending a large part of their lives pinned to the ground. I appeal to the government to support and make compulsory this labeling, which is currently optional. This is also the wish of 76% of our compatriots [NDLR : sondage sur les Français et l’étiquetage du bien-être animal, CSA Research-LFDA, mars 2023].
Another crucial step: rating the processed dishes. A real headache if we consider that a simple quiche Lorraine brings together three species: the pig for the bacon, the chicken for the egg and the cow for the cream.
What is your view on European policy in this area?
In 2020, the European Commission committed to the welfare of farm animals through the program “Farm to fork” – “From farm to fork”. Today, Brussels is invoking the European elections of June 2024 to postpone the abolition of cages for laying hens. I remain slightly hopeful that transport conditions will improve. We are also campaigning to ban the export of live livestock outside the European Union, in order to prevent cattle or even sheep from finding themselves stuck in boat holds.
According to a study by the European Commission’s Eurobarometer published in October 2023, 96% of French people consider it important to protect farm animals. But the reforms are slipping. Why this dichotomy?
Polls reveal that animal welfare is a major issue. Politicians always ask themselves the question: “Does the cause move votes?” The answer is positive. This is evidenced by the Animalist Party of lawyer Hélène Thouy, which received more than 2% of the vote in the 2019 European elections, almost as much as the Communist Party.
To move the lines, we must create a Ministry of Animal Condition. This already exists in Wallonia, where Céline Tellier, who will speak at the UNESCO conference, is Minister of the Environment, Nature, Forestry, Rural Affairs and Animal Welfare. I remember that, in France, Françoise Giroud was appointed Secretary of State for the Status of Women in 1974. The parallel is daring, but relevant.
Can the fate of guinea pigs in the laboratory improve?
I don’t know if we will achieve this goal: eliminating all animal testing. Certainly, the ban already exists for cosmetics in Europe, but almost 8 million rodents, fish, birds, rabbits, cats, dogs and primates were used in other industries in 2020.
Concerning science, I hope that ethics committees will ask themselves more about the question of suffering with regard to the interest of the studies. Since 2021, the FC3R scientific interest group advocates alternative methods, such as synthetic molecules or digital models. I chair the orientation and reflection council of this organization, made up of researchers, philosophers and jurists, as well as members of civil society.
Each year in France, nearly 2 million animals, primarily mice, are used for scientific purposes.
© / Art Press
Faced with the magnitude of the task, do you experience periods of discouragement?
Never ! What a great project to amplify the happiness of animals and reduce their suffering. I am a humanist, convinced that a just cause always triumphs in the end, even if it takes decades. This was the case for the death penalty. And I like the idea that no one is waiting for me in this area, just like Laurence Parisot, vice-president of LFDA, who should ultimately succeed me.