We love this easy recipe. Fresh and light, it is ideal for starting the summer off right

We love this easy recipe Fresh and light it is

This very low-calorie recipe for early summer combines creaminess, freshness and deliciousness.

The temperatures are rising, and with it, the desire to enjoy light and colorful dishes, which give pride of place to very fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables. Dishes with sauces, veloutés, gratins, tartiflettes… not too much for you! We abandon these comforting dishes to stay in shape while enjoying ourselves. We have found for you a recipe that is both delicious and light, which smells like summer and will satisfy your desire for freshness.

This is an easy cold starter that will only take a few minutes of your time and will take you to the other side of the Mediterranean, where the sun shines brightly! Combining lightness and creaminess, we love the recipe for cucumber with cream and chives. A crunchy cucumber (count just one cucumber for 2 people), 100 milliliters of semi-thick crème fraîche (which you can replace with 0% fat cottage cheese or skyr for a lighter recipe), half a bunch of chives, a lime, salt and pepper… That’s all you’ll need! All you have to do is follow the recipe in 3 steps, 15 minutes in hand:

  • Wash then cut a fresh cucumber into thin slices, using a mandolin if necessary so as not to exceed 2 millimeters in thickness. Place the slices in a salad bowl and put in the refrigerator.
  • Mix the crème fraîche and the juice of your lemon in a bowl. Clean and finely chop the chives, then add them to your cream mixture. Stir everything, add salt and pepper then place in the refrigerator before serving.
  • Arrange the cucumber slices on your plates and top with the creamy sauce. Top with whole sprigs of fresh chives and a slice of fresh lemon. Enjoy with toasted bread according to your preference.

The advantage of this easy-to-make summer recipe is that it is low in calories. Indeed, with an average of 102 kilocalories per 100 grams, creamed cucumbers will not make you gain weight. It must be said that cucumber has a lot to do with it, since it only represents 16 kilocalories per 100 grams. This refreshing vegetable is one of the richest in water (up to 95%), perfect for hydrating your body, and in vitamins (B9, potassium, magnesium, zeaxanthin and lutein, two powerful antioxidants that contribute to the protection of tissues ). We definitely adopt this melting and sunny recipe, which will delight the taste buds of gourmets!
