“We have to distance our distance from LFI” – L’Express

We have to distance our distance from LFI LExpress

The boss of Marine Tondelier environmentalists remains a faithful supporter of the new Popular Front? Its competitor Florentin Letissier thinks the opposite. “Everyone sees that the NFP no longer works”, proclaims the one who is UFO in the Greens. Candidate of the current “win the ecology” – the wing “Réalo” inspired by the German “Grünen” – the assistant at the town hall of Paris advocates the Union in Bapeboard without the rebellious. “Jean-Luc Mélenchon became a ball at the foot of the left, who condemns her to remain a minority,” he said to L’Express.

Read also: “The big permanent gap, it hurts adductors”: on the left, the strategic vagueness of Marine Tondelier

L’Express: What assessment do you draw up from the mandate of Marine Moundier at the head of environmentalists?

Florentin Letissier: The first part of the mandate was marked by the weakening of our political training, concluded by the catastrophic score in the European elections. The second time is more successful: Marine Tondelier played a fundamental role in the creation of the new Popular Front. But it is clear that the movement has not progressed since 2010, when I joined it, and still has less than 20,000 members – far from the 120,000 claimed by the German Greens for example.

This stagnation is linked to our inability to position us as a government party. Faced with the geopolitical and climatic crisis, we have to wear ambitious solutions. On the sovereign, we must be solid. Right now is debated in the Assembly a law against drug trafficking, which plagues our cities. We must therefore manage to talk about security, have a strong speech on the repressive as much as the preventive to dismantle the networks. Today, in polls, we are not perceived as a party capable of exercising the highest responsibilities at the national level. We must be credible on all subjects.

Marine Tondelier and the eco -friendly management do not carry a credible speech?

People no longer know what we think! By dint of playing the features of union, we have erased behind rebellious France and the Socialist Party. To play the leading roles, we must clarify our political line and then think about the union of the left, not the opposite. Everyone also sees that the NFP no longer works. If I am elected national secretary, my first project will be that of the project, the assertion of non -negotiable subjects … which risk redrawing the perimeter of alliances on the left. For example, we are deeply attached to European construction: the disengagement of the United States in Ukraine is a historic window to concretize Europe of defense. It is therefore inconceivable to make an alliance with political movements which are not in favor of the European Union.

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Which ones?

We must distance our distances from France rebellious at the national level. They brutalized the debates excessively, including with their allies. Remember at the time of the debate on the 2025 budget when all the leftist training courses came to negotiate in a republican way with the Lombard minister, and that Jean-Luc Mélenchon qualified the “ridiculous services” negotiations “… In addition, the gap has widened with the management of LFI on geopolitical and republican subjects. Formerly first defender of universalism, its leader is now perceived as a rejecting in the matter. The episode of Cyril Hanouna’s poster is a recent illustration. The rebellious are not anti -Semitic, but they frankly lack clarity on the subject. Jean-Luc Mélenchon became a ball at the foot of the left, who condemns her to remain a minority.

In the event of anticipated legislative elections, Florentin Letissier national secretary of environmentalists will therefore not agree with the rebellious?

We will have to be able to put our red lines on the table, and define the perimeter of the union according to the latter. It is notably impossible for me to advocate the union with a party which weakly defends Ukraine, and notably refuses to grasp the Russian assets to finance the Ukrainian resistance. If by then the rebels change their opinion – I doubt it – they will be welcome …

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The proposal is bold, as your respective electorates are – partly – porous and so much the ecological deputies were, last summer, benefited from the NFP…

Perhaps, but we do not make an alliance to save posts. We make an alliance to defend a clear political line, which can become a majority. If we look at the side of public opinion, the dynamics that can allow us to expand the electoral base of the left and environmentalists is on the side of what I defend.

So the candidates for the next municipal elections are wrong to start talks with LFI? Some, as in Montpellier, plan to ally themselves with the rebellious in the first round to bring down socialist town halls.

I would be careful not to give instructions from Paris because among Ecologists, the principle of subdominous subsidiarity for municipal elections. But if I am asked for my personal opinion, I will not engage in this type of alliance. We have a number of environmental town halls where we have socialists in the municipal majority. Choosing the green autonomy in the first round where it is relevant is a good thing. But the first -round alliances with LFI which obey the possibility of a large gathering winning from the left to the second seem to me a bad idea. We must be careful not to do on one side what we would not like that we are back in return …

For 2027, do you need two candidates on the left?

Yes, because the rebellious people are responsible for disunity, preparing a candidacy at all costs. A joint candidacy must also be built on a clear programmatic base, and decide between the contenders by a primary. There is a perimeter to work, from François Ruffin to Raphaël Glucksmann, where environmentalists must play a major role.
