We have received information about yet another Swede sentenced to death in Iraq

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has received information that yet another Swede was sentenced to death in Iraq at the beginning of June. This is confirmed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for TV4 Nyheterna.
“If the information is correct, it is of course very serious. In that case, we will act urgently so that the punishment is not carried out.”, writes the Foreign Ministry to TV4 Nyheterna.

At the moment, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs does not want to comment further on the information about the man sentenced to death. But according to the information, the man, who is 35 years old and a native of Western Sweden, must have been sentenced to death by hanging for drug offences. This is reported by the newspaper Al Kompis.

According to the newspaper, which has been in contact with the family, the man is also an Iraqi citizen, and was sentenced together with two other people in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad.

Talked to relatives

The Criminal Court in Baghdad announced the death sentence in early June.

“If the information is correct, it is of course very serious. In that case, we will act urgently so that the punishment is not carried out.”, writes the Foreign Ministry’s press service in a written response to TV4 Nyheterna.

The Foreign Ministry has been in contact with the man’s relatives and the Swedish embassy in Iraq.

“The Foreign Ministry and the Swedish embassy in Baghdad, which is currently relocated to Stockholm, are working intensively to try to clarify the information. The Foreign Ministry has therefore been in contact with Iraq’s chargé d’affaires in Stockholm,” writes the Foreign Ministry further in the statement.

In June, three other Swedish citizens were sentenced to death for murdering the high-ranking leader of the Foxtrot network, Mustafa “Benzema” Aljiburi, according to media reports. The Foreign Ministry has only confirmed two of the cases.

It was at the beginning of January this year that the leader of the gang, Aljibuburi, was shot dead in a car in Baghdad.
