We have changed the climate and polluted the air and it is our children who drink!

We have changed the climate and polluted the air and

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burn fossil fuelsit is not only bad for our climate. It’s also bad… for our children! This is confirmed today by a study conducted by researchers from Columbia University and Stanford University (United States). Children are especially vulnerable to climate change and air pollution.air. Especially since the two seem to be able to interact to affect health — physical or mental — of the younger ones. And in particular, that of those who are socially or economically disadvantaged.

Researchers cite numerous examples of how the use of fuels fossils can affect children. Did you know, for example, that exposure to heat waves — like the one we are currently experiencing — is associated with an increased risk of preterm birth? Did you know that extreme weather events have already driven more than 50 million children from their homes? Nearly a million in the United States alone in 2020. Did you finally know that some 7.4 million children were exposed to smoke from wildfires that ravaged the United States between 2008 and 2012.

About the air pollution, today it particularly affects a billion children exposed to levels considered to be very high. With the key, an increased risk of mortality, but also of developmental disorders, reduced cognition or mental health issues.

Adaptation measures in addition to mitigation measures

The researchers stress the need to act now simultaneously on two fronts. That of adaptation which aims to protect children. And that of mitigation, which aims to limit the use of fuels fossilsresponsible for both climate change and air pollution.

Adaptation measures include the provision of clean water to children and families facing droughtthe implementation of early warning systems for floods and air pollution or, quite simply, the creation of shaded living areas. And to fight against the inequalities that exist in the matterspecific climate and pollution measures should be linked to programs deployed to reduce poverty and discrimination.

The researchers also indicate that counseling is available to help identify children at particular risk of climate change or air pollution. Because the risk varies in particular according to the existence of an underlying disease – such as asthma – or geographical location – such as warmer urban areas or those more exposed to a risk of flooding. And even of a weakened mental health — by the anxiety which can arise, for example, after having been forced to move following a forest fire.

For all these reasons, the researchers call on health professionals to pay special attention to children and their families, to screen those most at risk and to educate them about the risks and possible adaptation and mitigation solutions.

Climate change will affect the health of those born today

A report published in the medical journal The Lancet details how climate change will shape the health of children born today. Asthma, stroke, heart risk due to air pollution, effects of malnutrition and infectious diseases due to global warming will persist into adulthood.

Futura article with AFP-Relaxnews published on 14/11/2019

Asthma and heart risks due to polluted air, infections and malnutrition due to global warming… If nothing is done against climate change, the health of children born today will be increasingly threatened throughout their lives, alarmed experts in a report published Thursday. ” The climatic changes will define the health of an entire generation “says Dr. Nick watts, responsible for this report. Published in the medical journal The Lancet a few weeks before the international climate conference (COP25), it resonates like an echo of the fears of which the Swedish Greta Thunberg has become the emblem in the world.

Air pollution will impact children born today

If things stay as they are, with high carbon emissions and climate change continuing unabated, a child born today will live in a world 4 degrees warmer on average by the time they turn 71, threatening their health at all stages of their lifewrite the authors. Children are particularly vulnerable to health risks associated with climate change. Their body and their immune system are still developing, making them more vulnerable to disease and pollutants argues Dr Watts of the University of London’s Institute for Global Health.

However, the health consequences persist into adulthood ” and ” last a lifetime “, he underlines, asking for a” immediate action by all countries to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gas “.

This report is the 2019 edition of a document published annually by The Lancet. Entitled ” Countdown on health and climate change », it measures 41 key indicators on these two subjects and is carried out in collaboration by 35 institutions, including the WHO (World Health Organization), the world Bank and universities.

This year, researchers are focusing on the health of the youngest. Among their concerns is air pollution. ” Throughout adolescence and into adulthood, a child born today will breathe more toxic air, caused by fossil fuels and made worse by rising temperatures. “, provides the report.

Mosquitoes, these vectors of infections

This is particularly harmful for young people, because their lungs are still developing he adds, listing the potential consequences: Decreased lung function, worsening asthma, and increased risk of heart attack and stroke “. According to the report, “ global emissions of CO2 from fossil fuels continue to increase (2.6% increase between 2016-2018) ” and ” premature deaths related to (fine particles) PM 2.5 stagnates at 2.9 million worldwide “.

Another dreaded effect of climate change: the increase in epidemics infectious diseases, to which children are particularly susceptible. In question, the transition to a warmer climate and with more rain. This would promote the development of bacteria responsible for diarrheal diseases or choleraas well as the spread of mosquitoes infection vectors.

Driven by climate change, the dengue is the fastest spreading mosquito-borne viral disease in the world “, warns the report. “ Nine of the ten best years for the transmission of dengue fever have taken place since the year 2000, allowing mosquitoes to invade new territories in Europe “, according to the researchers.

Warming must be limited to less than 2°C

They are also worried about the phenomena of malnutrition that the rise in temperatures could cause, leading to a reduction in harvests and therefore a rise in the price of foodstuffs.

Finally, more generally, the authors of the report point out that a child born today will be increasingly exposed to extreme weather events: heat waves, droughts, floods or forest fires. These researchers consider it crucial to limit global warming to less than 2°C as provided for in the Paris Agreement. And claim that the impacts of climate change on health are at the forefront of the COP25 agenda “, at the beginning of December in Madrid.

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