We had to explain to 2 guys why multiplayer is better than single player – but they remain stubborn

Actually everyone knows that multiplayer games are basically better than single player games. Don’t have to explain it to you. At least 2 people couldn’t understand that: podcast boss Michael Graf and video editor Lennard Willms from GameStar, who think single-player games are better. So MeinMMO editor Benedict Grothaus and live stream lead Julius Busch from GameStar explained why they were wrong.

I don’t even know exactly where to start. Of course, I also want my peace and quiet from time to time, but basically every game only gets better when you hear a friend’s voice in your ear – or hear your opponent cursing in the voice.

Co-op games are attracting thousands of players, even classic games like Diablo and Elden Ring (Dark Souls) are now realizing that an MMO approach is the future. Many genres and studios are planning to bring more players together.

Single player games are becoming more and more niche products for nerds and people with odd tastes like me. Well, uh… of course I still like multiplayer games better, but a lot of the single player titles have a rather small target group.

Micha and Lennard represent a glaring opposite position here. They mean: other players disturb them in THEIR games. Well, so Jules and I took them on for a juicy fight. So stop with words.

You can find the video below or on the Gamestar Talk YouTube channel. We recorded live at CAGGTUS 2023:

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Single player is okay, but the future is MMO

At the risk of our editor-in-chief Leya Jankwoski carrying out her threat to fire me if we don’t win the talk, I have to confess: I also play single player or games alone from time to time.

The Pathfinder role-playing games, for example, are excellent, and Dragon Age is still one of my favorite games of all time. Sometimes it’s nice to just cut off all other people and the world from you and just immerse yourself in a game until you tire.

Nevertheless, it is clear that the development in gaming is increasingly moving in the direction of multiplayer and social gaming. Whether you like it or not is up to you, but “old school” gamers are a dying species. Unfortunately.

Diablo 4 and Elden Ring are the best recent examples of games that have traditionally been played solo and now offer true co-op and even MMO features. Many games in development are created with this in mind in the first place.

There will still be single players, possibly even “better” ones. One of my favorite genres, point and clicks, has developed in such a way that now only games are created that exactly meet the taste of the small target group. So that can also be a good thing.

With a few exceptions, however, the great successes will be multiplayer titles in the future.

EA finds people stupid who only play single-player games – even the employees shake their heads

Disclaimer: The article as well as the talk were of course all produced with a wink. Despite the beef, we get along great and of course have nothing against the people personally, nor against their respective preferences. Each as he likes. Possible blue eyes and bloody noses are purely coincidental.
