We finally know why Britney Spears suddenly shaved her head in 2007

We finally know why Britney Spears suddenly shaved her head

In her autobiography “The Woman in Me” which will be released on October 24, Britney Spears returns, for the first time, to her decision to shave her hair in 2007.

Sixteen years ago, on February 16, 2007, Britney Spears walked into a hair salon in California and asked to have her head shaved, even though she had just come out of rehab. Faced with the hairdresser’s refusal, the star grabbed the clippers and did it herself, under the cameras of dozens of paparazzi. A significant event that went around the world. Today, the interpreter of Toxic breaks the silence and explains the reason for his action in his memoirs which will be published on October 24 and an extract of which was revealed by the magazine People.

Shaving your head, a “means of response” for Britney Spears

In his autobiography called “The Woman in Me”Britney Spears decided to tell her truth and confided in particular about her zero ball: “I was observed and scrutinized so much during my childhood and adolescence. I’ve been detailed from top to bottom all the time, everyone has been talking to me about my body and what they think about it since I was a teenager“, explains the 41-year-old singer before specifying “Shaving my head and rebelling were my means of fighting back“.

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A controlled physical appearance

Following this gesture, Britney Spears experienced a real descent into hell and was placed under the guardianship of her father, Jamie Spears. Over the next thirteen years, she no longer had a say in her life, her career and her own haircut. “Under the tutelage, I was made to understand that this era was now over, continues the pop princess, I had to let my hair grow and get back into shape. I had to go to bed early and take the medicine they told me to take.“Now, at 41, Britney Spears is free and seems to be doing much better.
