We eat less vegetables and drink more soft drinks

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

Facts: About the public health survey

The national public health survey Health on equal terms is a collaboration between the Public Health Agency and the regions. The purpose is to investigate how the population is feeling and to follow the development in health over time. This year’s survey was answered by nearly 17,000 people aged 16 and over.

Source: Public Health Agency

In recent years, the Swedish population has had worse eating habits, according to the Public Health Agency’s survey Health on equal terms.

In the survey, the consumption of vegetables and root vegetables, fruit and berries, fish and shellfish and sweetened beverages was investigated. The result shows that we eat less of what is useful and more of what is not.

Why it looks the way it does may to some extent have to do with our changed lifestyles during the pandemic where many people worked at home and thus increased their screen time.

— When you sit at home a lot, sweets, soft drinks and other things become more available. There are also studies that show that a lot of screen time makes you drink more soft drinks, says Christina Berg, working at the University of Gothenburg.

Not just the pandemic

But not only the pandemic but several different factors affect our eating habits.

— The school meal plays a major role in children’s eating habits. Food prices also affect. If the useless is cheap, it can affect what we eat, says Christina Berg and continues:

— Even ideals have an effect. What I think is a shame is that healthy food is often associated with dieting and not primarily with feeling good.

According to Christina Berg, the factors just mentioned can also be ways in which society can do more to influence our eating habits.

“It’s a big deal”

In Sweden, the consumption of soft drinks has increased for a long time, which is problematic as it is an easy way to get a lot of calories.

— A single food such as soda can really have an effect. It’s so easy to overconsume because you don’t get full from it.

Deteriorating eating habits can have serious consequences.

— We need to have a dietary pattern that is healthy because it plays a big role in our health. This means that we prevent diseases such as obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and cancer, says Christina Berg.
