We are inspired by nature for the baby’s first name!

We are inspired by nature for the babys first name

Nature is an inexhaustible source of inspiration when it comes to first names. Discover our first name ideas for girls and boys that pay homage to Mother Nature!

The forest, the flowers, the sky, the stars, the moon, the sun, the precious stones, the fruits… Nature is vast and brings with it an immensity of first names inspired by it.. To give a poetic first name to their child or to pay homage to Mother Nature, many parents let themselves be seduced by the nature names. There is no shortage of these, and some are well known, such as Jade, Lila and Clementine for girls, or Leo, Olivier and Lucas for the boys. Others are mixed, even original, like Myrtille, Nour, Camélia, Zéphyr, Samson and Lilian. Find our most beautiful ideas for first names from nature for girls and boys.

List of nature names for girls:

Jade, Rose, Amber… Some feminine first names inspired by nature are very popular. Others are less common, such as Agathe, Séléna or Cerise. Here are some ideas for names of nature for your little girl:

  • Autumn
  • Blueberry
  • Nasturtium
  • Star
  • Dawn
  • Moon
  • Cherry
  • nour
  • Jade
  • Amber
  • Agatha
  • Selena
  • Lilac
  • Pink
  • Nasrin
  • Violet
  • Dawn
  • Pearl
  • Iris
  • Flower
  • hyacinth
  • Clementine
  • Camellia
  • Madder
  • Esme

Nature names for boys:

If we are familiar with the names Lucas and Léo, which have been very popular in recent years, other male names inspired by nature are rarer, such as Zéphyr or Chems. Find our best ideas:

  • Abriel
  • Anise
  • Zephyr
  • cosmine
  • aurion
  • Cyrius
  • Fabio
  • Lucas
  • Leo
  • Como
  • Suliac
  • Declan
  • Beryl
  • Suliac
  • Aurelius
  • Hikari
  • Narcissus
  • Sezni
  • Olivier
  • chems
  • Zeno
  • Samson
  • Lilian
  • Jonah
  • Florian

What are the meanings of names inspired by nature?

The names of nature are very numerous, and some have a beautiful meaning. For boys, Pierre means “little pebbles”. Let’s not forget Célian, a rare first name which means “the moon” in Greek, Elouan (“light”), Helios (“sun”), Anwar (“ray of sunshine”). Keren has the same meaning and is a very beautiful male name inspired by nature. little used, Dylan means “son of the sea”. Let’s not forget Arlo, which will make you think of sunrise since it means “morning”!

As for female first names inspired by nature, we really like Amarande (“eternal flower”), Daphné (“laurel”), Hanaé (“blessed flower”), Solveig (“force of the sun”), or even Elina (brilliance of the sun). For parents who love old names, Philomène means “who loves the moon”. Roxane is more modern and means “shining like the dawn”, it couldn’t be more poetic.

Which nature names refer to the forest?

Many first names have a connection with the universe of the forest, although we often ignore it. Impossible for example not to quote Sylvie, Silvia, Sylvaine, Sylvette, Sylvain, Silvestre or Silvère, whose etymologies all refer to the forest, or Aulne, Liane, or Eglantine. The latter has its equivalent in Persian, Nasrine. We also mention the first names derived from the laurel tree: Laure and Laurence for the girls, Laurent for the boys.

We can also cite calandra, which means “green space” in Greek, or Tara, which designates the forest where the kings live in Irish mythology, but alsoi Xylia.

For little boys, the first names Gui, Keith or Bosco may appeal to parents. Some male first names related to the forest have very specific meanings: Erwan is a derivative of “iv”, which designates the yew tree, while Ilan means tree in “Hebrew” and Amir means “treetop”. Some mixed first names also echo the forest, such as Hazel (“hazelnut, filbert”) and Carmel (“orchard, vine”).

Which first names from nature are linked to the 4 elements?

The four elements are earth, air, water and fire. Each of them inspires many first names.

The names of the sea

There is even a first name that refers to all the elements in Persian: Kiana. In relation to water, we can cite the mixed first name Morgan(e), which means “born from the sea“. Still on the side of mixed first names, there is also Océan, to which some will prefer the Océane version for a little girl. Among girls, first names inspired by water are numerous and many of them are very pretty: Marine, Nausicaa, Ondine, Naïa, Delphine, Doris, Sedna, Ula... As for boys, Marin, Neptune, Nérée, Dylan, Marvin or even Adrien are charming first names.

Air names

The feminine first names in connection with the air are Brisa, Elfida or Anemone. For the boys, Anan, Air, Bayu, Neven, Neil, Aeolus or Zephyr may appeal to parents.

Names referring to fire

There is no shortage of first names related to fire, including Aodhan, Aydan, Egan, Maeldan and Ignatius for little boys, and Alev, Eléa, Ember, Hestia or even Séraphina for little girls.

names of the earth

The first names linked to the earth are numerous, starting with the essential Gaia. From the Greek “gè” (“earth”) and “aia” (“grandmother”), it designates the goddess of the earth and who embodies the Earth in Greek mythology. In Hebrew, the first name Adam translates to Earth.

What are the first names associated with the earth?

First names specifically linked to the element of earth are numerous for both girls and boys. Adam and its derivatives (Ada, Adame, Adama, Adamako, Adamet, Adan, Addie Aza…) means “made of red earth” in Hebrew. On the side of male first names linked to the earth, let us quote Ilesh, which means “lord of the earth” in Hindu, Teano who has Polynesian origins, marley (“from the land of the lakes” in Old English) and Yale, which means “fertile land” in Welsh.

For little girls, in addition to Gaïa, there is the first name Demeter, that of the Roman goddess of the earth. It has also inspired male names such as Dimitri or Demetrio. Gaia also has some pretty feminine derivatives, like Gaiana or Gaiana. We also like Ivria (“from the land of Abraham” in Hebrew), Jihane, Jihan, Jihen or Jihène (“life on earth” in Arabic) and Maka (“earth” in Sioux language).
