“We are going to win” the election, exclaims Ali Bongo for his first meeting

We are going to win the election exclaims Ali Bongo

In Gabon, the electoral campaign for the general elections on August 26th started on Friday. Several candidates for the presidential election went to the provinces. Ali Bongo, outgoing president, led a large meeting in Greater Libreville.

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With our correspondent in Libreville, Yves Laurent Goma

His activists had been waiting for him since 8 am at the train station in Owendo on the outskirts of Libreville. As soon as he arrived at noon, Ali Bongo immediately spoke up: ” My dear friends, this election, we will win it together! “.

In power for 14 years, Ali Bongo, 64, has drawn up a long list of promises to be fulfilled if he is re-elected. He spoke in particular of his desire to relaunch national aviation “.

Read alsoGabon: opposition candidates ask the UN to ensure fair elections

In the ranks of his supporters, there is no doubt about the victory of their candidate. Ali Bongo” will win, that’s 100% sure. It’s gonna be a total knockout “, rejoices in advance a woman. ” The opponents were first in the house, we know each other. They will come back “, she says.

For his part, the independent candidate Jean Delor Biyoghe accused Ali Bongo’s party of having sabotaged his meeting at the famous Rio crossroads by deploying the police and a giant screen 15 meters from the place of the meeting. The opposition coalition Alternance 2023 has for its part started the conclave which will lead to the designation of the single candidate of the opposition. The results are expected in a few days.
