We are giving away keys for a new PvE MOBA on Steam

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We are giving away 2,000 keys to access PvE-MOBA Project F4E Early Access. Sign up and get instant access.

This is Project F4E: If you’ve ever watched a MOBA like League of Legends and didn’t feel like PvP at all, Project F4E is the place for you. The new Steam game combines the gameplay elements of several genres in a colorful PvE mix.

The game is played from the ISO perspective, as is often the case with MOBAs. However, your goal is not to kill other players, but to work together with them. F4E relies on close cooperation to complete missions and emphasizes the social aspect, as with MMORPGs.

The maps are procedurally generated and the NPCs on them have a life of their own. For example, you can decide to support one NPC in the fight against another, or you can do something completely different and prefer to explore the map.

Check out Project F4E gameplay here:

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Get one of the 2,000 keys for F4E

At the start of the new pre-launch season, we are giving away 2,000 keys with access to their game in cooperation with the developers of BetaDwarf.

Additionally, while participating in the pre-launch phase, you can earn exclusive in-game bonuses that will no longer be available after launch. More on the official site.

Here’s how you can participate: In order to be able to take part in the raffle, you first need a MeinMMO account. Log in, reload the page (if necessary, clear cache first) and you will see a login tool further down.

After registering, you will be sent a key that you can exchange for a Steam key. The raffle ends as soon as all 2,000 keys have been sent.

Please note that depending on the number of requests, it may take some time for the keys to be sent. In principle, however, they will arrive in your mailbox within a few minutes.

IMPORTANT! How to redeem your key: The key that you will receive from us by email is not a steam key. To get your access, you have to proceed as follows:

  • Join the F4E Discord server: This way
  • Once this has happened, you will receive an automated message from the server’s bot, Sophilia
  • Send the code from our email to Sophilia and she will send you a Steam key in exchange
  • You can then redeem this Steam key as normal.
  • Once the Steam key has been redeemed, you can start gambling.

    Have fun! Tell us what you think of the game in the comments.
