There have been many twists and turns around Turkey’s approval of the Swedish NATO application. But now it seems to be close.
– It feels like the wolf is coming, but they seem like we are approaching a very big step this time, says TV4 Nyhetern’s foreign correspondent Terese Cristiansson, who is on the ground in Ankara.
On Tuesday evening, the Turkish parliament will probably vote on Sweden’s NATO application, and according to most observers, a yes is expected.
The meeting began at 1 pm and will include discussions about the decision procedure itself.
– It is likely that it will be a yes because it has already been discussed in the Turkish foreign affairs committee, says TV4 Nyhetern’s foreign correspondent Terese Cristiansson.
– There were quite heated discussions, there are documents that you have been able to read about which criticisms exist. But there, after two days, they came to the conclusion of approving the application. It is likely that the parliament will choose to follow that line, says Terese Cristiansson.
She adds that the vote could be postponed until tomorrow or at the end of the week, in case the debate in parliament drags on.
Anonymous voices
But there are circumstances that could put obstacles in the way of an approval. For example, it is still possible to vote anonymously, Cristiansson explains.
– Then there may be people who choose to go against their own party’s line, and there may be more no votes than previously voted, she says.
Cristiansson adds, however, that many nos are needed for the no side to gain a majority in the vote.
Fler steps remain
If Sweden’s NATO application is approved, several steps still remain before Sweden can become a member of the defense alliance. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan must also sign the document. But there is no requirement that it must happen immediately.
– You can imagine that he might want to drag this out a bit. He has done it before and tried to suck as much as possible out of this, says turkey expert Paul Levin.
When Erdogan has signed the agreement, the ratification must be submitted to the United States. Thus, everything is clear from Turkey’s side.
Hungary invites Kristersson
Ungen has also not ratified Sweden’s NATO application yet. There, all committee procedures are already complete, but the parliament has not yet voted on the application.
The opposition in the country has demanded an immediate vote on Sweden’s NATO application. During Tuesday, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán announced that he invited Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson to the country to negotiate NATO membership.
Hungary has previously promised not to be the last country to approve Sweden’s application.
– Hungary and Turkey have good relations. Maybe he wants to do his friend Orbán a favor and let Hungary ratify first.
What the negotiations with Sweden entail is still unclear.
– Sweden has already negotiated to be part of NATO, so everyone is probably wondering what this means, says TV4’s reporter Ritva Rönnberg at the Swedish Parliament.
Hungary’s parliament is on winter break until mid-February, but a majority can decide to convene the parliament in an emergency.