We all do it, but it’s the worst time to recharge your battery – this habit to banish to make your phone last

We all do it but its the worst time to

If you want to continue using your smartphone, now is the right time to recharge your battery. You might be surprised.

Here’s some info to share! The company Quel Bon Plan, specializing in reconditioned phones, recently revealed some of its tips for preserving your smartphone’s battery. And one of them particularly caught our attention. In fact, a recharge period would be strongly discouraged, as it risks seriously affecting the functioning of your mobile. And many of us have adopted this bad habit.

In a press release, the company Quel Bon Plan indicates: “With each recharge, your smartphone’s battery loses a little capacity. Its lifespan is determined by a number of charge/discharge cycles and it inevitably ends up wearing out, losing autonomy and being out of order.” She continues: “For example, an iPhone will see its battery capacity begin to decrease after 500 to 800 charge cycles, or 3 years of use.” However, it is not uncommon to try to resell your mobile before the 3 year mark. Slowdown, reduced storage space, limited updates… Several inconveniences come, over time, to deteriorate its use. But, fortunately, there are several tips to delay the deadline, and one of them relates to the battery and its charging system.

The start-up explains: “You should know that overcharging damages a lithium-ion battery. However, by leaving a phone plugged into its charger all night, the battery receives current even when it is full. And that is not good for it to be requested more than necessary.” As you will have understood, it is very practical to charge your smartphone at night, but it is important to stop this habit. Not to mention the fact that, for several hours, your device emits waves into your room. The company recommends plugging in your phone in the morning, during breakfast for example, and a little in the evening, before the critical moment when the battery drops below 20%.

Indeed, to maintain its proper functioning, your phone’s battery should, ideally, always be between 20% and 90%. Furthermore, there are other bad things you should know about to protect your battery. It is not recommended to use your phone during the charging period. Quel Bon Plan states: “the battery will tend to heat up more than necessary, which accelerates the wear of the materials.” Finally, avoid the cigarette lighter socket: “the voltage of the engine battery varies and charging is not smooth from a cigarette lighter. The smartphone will therefore tend to heat up very quickly”, specifies the company. You know what you have left to do !
