WC gold hero Ebba Andersson opens up about the tough decision with her boyfriend: “Both had wanted…”

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

Ebba Andersson has just finished a real super season.
But now she opens up about the tough times with boyfriend Gustaf Berglund.
– There is an understanding and acceptance from both sides, says the Swede in the TV program “Efter fem”

The ski season is now over and Swedish Ebba Andersson can really sum up a real dream season. The Swede impressed at the World Cup, but due to illnesses during the season, she did not have the opportunity to compete for the overall victory.

Ebba’s season

Skiing WC 2023 in Planica therefore became the big highlight of the season for the 25-year-old who exceeded all expectations. Andersson came to Slovenia with great expectations and was one of the favorites in all the races she competed in.

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230304 Ebba Andersson of Sweden poses for a photo with her gold medal at the Medal ceremony for the cross-country skiing Women’s 30 km Classic Technique during the FIS Nordic Ski World Championships on March 4, 2023 in Kranjska Gora. Photo: Petter Arvidson / BILDBYRÅN / code PA / PA0534

But after suffering from covid-19 during the winter, there were still question marks about her form. But once the WC started, all uncertainties surrounding the Swedish medal hope disappeared.

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Double WC gold

Ebba Andersson won double WC gold and with her total of four WC medals she was crowned WC queen in Planica. But alongside her successes in the tracks, she has also had a tough time alongside skiing.

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230310 Gustaf Berglund poses for a portrait at a press event with Sweden ahead of the FIS Cross-Country World Cup on March 10, 2023 in Oslo. Photo: Mathias Bergeld / BILDBYRÅN / code MB / MB0568

When the Swedish ski star was a guest on the TV4 program “Efter fem”, she opened up about the sacrifices she and her boyfriend Gustaf Berglund, who is also a national team skater, was forced to do during the season. Where both of them didn’t even see each other for two months this winter because of the cross-country skiing.
– I don’t know if it was really two months. But almost. We didn’t meet for the whole of February. It was a consequence of him having his bet and me having mine. We were very confused about which competitions we were in, Ebba admits to the presenter Anna Brolin.

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Ebba Andersson continues to describe their relationship during this tough time apart – and the mutual respect for their different sports careers.
– We both would have liked the opportunity to see each other. But there is an understanding and acceptance from both sides. That is still the advantage of both of us having skiing ventures, she says in the TV program.

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