Wave of fraud against Sörmland’s elderly – several victims over 90 years old

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Several cases of aging crimes have been reported to the police during the week in Sörmland. Two of them in Eskilstuna.

One of the women received a call from a suspected perpetrator who pretended to be calling from the bank in Eskilstuna. He induced the woman to be prepared for his visit. Meanwhile, she would take out her valuables and bank cards and put everything in an envelope. The other woman would also put her valuables in a letter.

During Thursday evening, a woman in her 90s in Trosa received a call from a suspected perpetrator who claimed to be a police officer. He wanted to visit her apartment because of the number of burglaries in the area. The perpetrator came to the woman. Once inside, the perpetrator made the woman take out valuables to be photographed. Shortly afterwards, the man left the scene with the valuables.

The police are appealing to the public

Another woman was exposed during Friday morning in Trosa. There, too, the suspected perpetrator claimed to be a police officer. However, she became suspicious of the perpetrator and did not let him in.

The police investigate these cases as theft and elder crimes.

The police state that crime victims often feel great shame when they have been deceived – and via their website they are now urging the public to be vigilant through observations of suspicious persons, and also through preventive conversations with their families.

Banks never ask their customers to put valuables or bank cards in an envelope to be picked up by an assistant.
