Watford man with ties to 2022 hwy. 402 Blockade Jaled for Assaulting Police

Watford man with ties to 2022 hwy 402 Blockade Jaled

A Lambton County Man Convicted of Mischief Arouse the time a stretch of Highway 402 was shotted during the 2022 so-called freedom conveyy has been jaled for a series of new crimes include assaulting and obstructing a lambton opposition.

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Steve Verberne, 48, from Watford, Recently Pleaded Guilty to Those Two Charge Along with Prohibited Driving and Being Over the Legal Limit Within Two Hours of Driving, His Third Impaired-Related Offer. For that, he was handed just shy of five months in jail.

“I don think that there’s really any excuse that you go there could for eith of these incidents,” Defense Lawyer Nick Cake Told the Judge. “He will be Serving His Time and Taking His Licks, So To Speak.”

Steve Verberne (Facebook)

The Court Heard A Lambton Oppi Officer Pulled over an old pickup truck with a dirty license flat on zion line on Feb. 27, 2024. Verberne refused to give the Officer His Id and Sped Away.

The Officer, Who Recognized Him, Didn’t Chase Him. Instead He waited for Him at His Home On Egremont Road in Warwick Township.

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Verberne arrived there as a passer in an suv and ran Toward His House While the Officer Chased Him. After He was Caught He Resisted Arrest, Tried Punching the Officer in the Head, and Grabbed the Police Radio So Backup Couldn’t Be Called in.

The Officer Punmedé Verberne Several Times in the Back of the Head Before Getting His Radio Back and Calling in Reinforcements.

The So-Called Freedom Convoy in Sarnia in 2022
A Man Paces Up and Down the Line of 18 Farm Vehicles Parked On Highway 402 at the Forest Road Exit in Lambton County on Feb. 13, 2022. The Six-Day Blockade Ended Peacefully One Day Later. Derek Ruttan/The London Free Press

Justice KRISTA LYNN LESZCZYNSKI TOLD VERBERNE THE INVESTIGATION BEGAN OVER A MENOR, INNOCUOUS incident-The dirt-covered flat license-and its actions escalated it.

“And Ultimately Put Both the Officer, as well as Yourself, at Risk and at Danger,” She Said.

The Judge Had Little Sympathy for Any Injuries Verberne Sufferred During the Scuffle With The Officer.

“Which, Frankly, You initiated,” She Said.

Assistant Crown Attorney Michael Donald Said It was dangerous as the Officer was working alone.

“This was a High-Risk Situation,” He Said.

The Officer Didn’t Give The Crown A Victim-Impact Stément.

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Leszczynski also reading Verberne for Being Nearly Twice the Legal Limit During The Second Incident, Which Took Place Just Before Midnight on March 10, 2023, in Glencoe. A Middlesex Oppi Officer Who Pulled Him Over That Friday Night asked for Roadside Breath Sample.

“Mr. VERBERNE REPLUD, ‘i can tell you right now, i’m going to fail,’ ‘Donald Said While Reading An Agreed Stament of Facts.


These latest convictions are added to his criminal record, which already included Assault, Assault with a Weapon, and Dangerous Driving Convictions.

“This is a serious criminal record,” Donald Said.

The So-Called Freedom Convoy in Sarnia in 2022
Lambton OPP posted this photo on Twitter after arresting a suspect for illegally driving a Quarry Truck on Egremont Road in Warwick Township in February 2022. (Twitter)

Verberne also was the only nown local person convicted of charges amid multiple Blockads and Protests Snarling Traffic Heading to Sarnia and London in Early 2022 During the So-Called Freedom Convoy Movement. VERBERNE WAS Charged with Mischief we Feb. 19, 2022, for Illegally Driving A Quarry Truck Near Watford.

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In Mechanic, he was missing multiple permit, license flat and logs neded to drive the truck as a commercial vehicle. He also was banned at the time from Driving Any Vehicle Unless It Had an Ignition-Interlock Device.

Verberne was convicted later that summer and received a suspended sentence tied to two years of probation, a $ 2,000 fine, and 150 hours of community service.

The Quarry Truck Appeared To Be One of 18 to 20 Farm and Commercial Vehicles that formed the Six-Day Blockade on Highway 402 at the Forest Road Exit.

Sarnia Mayor Mike Bradley Said in 2022 The Blockade was Economic Terrorism. It also cost Ontario and Warwick Taxpayers Millions of dollars AS Police Officers Were Called in From Across the Province to Maintain Emergency Detour Roads, Lambton’s Crown Attorney Said at the time.

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