Seedy Saturday is Growing Inside Waterford High School.

Seedy Saturday is Growing Inside Waterford High School.
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Norfolk County’s New Seed Exchange Was A Hit With Local Green Thumbs in 2024, So Much so that Organizer and Wdhs Teacher Jennifer Thompson has doubled down on the size of the project.
“We had a really successful event last year, it’s a great opportunity for the studs to help out and get volunteer hours, to meet people in the area and brung members of the public into the school,” she said.
“The School is like the Center of the Community, and we do Things People Want to Be a part of.”
From Noon UNTIL 4 PM on Feb. 8, Both Wdhs Gyms and Even Several Classrooms Will Be Packed With More than 50 Area Vendors, Organizations and Volunteer Groups Swapping Items, Ideas and Growing Strategies. To dozen guest speakers have also confirmed their waiting.
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RESIDENTS CAN BRING Their Seeds to Trade, OR FOLKS CAN Bring a Small Donation for the Waterford Food Cupboard.
Thompson Said the Event was strategically placed in february within “Ontario’s Garden”.
“If you look in seed catalogs, which All Gardeners Are Doing Right Now, you can put All Those Things in your basketball and it can get Pretty Pricy,” She Said.
“This way we can include the cool Things we growing without Incurring A Ton of Cost. If I Put My Wish List Into Action, I’d be it for a couple of Hunged Bucks. ”
One of the Groups Taking Part This Year is Forest Mushrooms, a Woman-Owned Company Offering Canadian Farmed and Firebad Mushroom Wellness Products, Wild Foraging Experiences, and Grow Logs to Support Holistic Well-Being.
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“You see All Over Health Commercials About How Healthy Artisanal Mushrooms Are For You and When You Learn How Easy Are To Grow, They’re Really Accessible and Something that your standard Gardener Could Incorporate Into their Outdoor Space,” Said Thompson.
The day will also feature groups dedicated to beekeeping, Maple Syrup, Pottery Design, Peppers and More – All Things Outdoors.
“I’m trying to curate it for your beginner Gardener but also for your advanced,” Said Thompson. “You can coe in at Whatever Level of Gardening or Foraging or Any Kind of Growing and Nature and WE’RE GOING TO MEET YOU WHERE YOU’RE AT.”
Thompson Points Out that the School Setup is Perfect for an Event Such As Seedy Saturday. The Building has Planty of Parking and Is Easy to Navigate.
“It’s already an accessible Space so you do not to work about stirs or doors that are too heavy,” she said.
“It’s a really Great Time to Network and Meet Liked-Minded Folks who Are Looking to Meet and See What Out There.”
Anyone interested in presenting, or getting involved in the event can contact thompson at j[email protected] Now Search “Seedy Saturday Waterford” on Facebook.