Water, Spena (One Water): Rome will host Euromediterraneo Forum

Water Spena One Water Rome will host Euromediterraneo Forum

(Finance) – It will be Rome To host, next autumn, the first Water Euromediterranean forum“an event that will see the participation of 45 member countries of the European Union and Mediterranean partners, Middle East and North Africa For discuss the challenges of the management of the water resource, in particular in the light of the climatic crisis that is putting to the test our environment”. He announced itO Maria SpenA, president of the “One Water” Committee, on the eve of the World Water Day scheduled for tomorrow and during the international event “Water, resource care and universal access” which took place in Rome, at the classroom of parliamentary groups.

“It will be a unique opportunity – continued Spena by talking about the event that “will mark a fundamental step in the creation of shared policies and initiatives to protect the water as a common good. The forum will not just be a simple international encounter, but will constitute the culmination of a long awareness course, with events national and international that will involve all the sectors of society, from policy to scientific research, to local institutions and organizations “.

Through a messagethe Foreign Minister and Vice -President of the Council, Antonio Tajani, wanted to express his closeness and support to the initiative: “Water – he wrote – is essential for the health and well -being of people. The response to such an important challenge requires a collective commitment in order to make water resources accessible to everyone, preserving and using them efficiently. Italy is at the forefront of putting the theme of water on top of the priorities of the agenda international and is working to encourage the exchange of experiences and good practices, with a constant commitment for international dialogue and cooperation “.

The Minister of the Environment and Energy Safety, Gilberto Pichetto Fratin, He underlined how water is a resource that cannot be managed in insulation by each country. “We have technologies and skills – he explained – that we can make available to countries in difficulty. We must think of integrated management of water resources”.

To the event Serv. Rino Fisichella, Pro-prefect of the Dicastery for evangelization, which he said: “We are not the masters of the water, we are the custodians of the water. The water belongs to nature, not to us. We have the task of respecting and defending, with the responsibility of increasing what has been entrusted. The water, when it is not respected, brings violence, destruction and death. The investments, necessary and useful, must follow the law of respect for nature, not that of the economy “.

Numerous interventions of national and international representatives: Retno Marsudi, special correspondent for the United Nations water; Jessika Roswall, European commissioner for the environment, water resilience and a circular and competitive economy; Maurizio Martina, deputy general manager FAO; Stephen Borg, deputy secretary general of the Union for the Mediterranean; Biagio di Terlizzi, Added Director Ciheam Bari; Alain Meyssonnier, president of IME; Andrea Rinaldo, Stockholm Water Prize 2023.

Greetings to the participants They were brought by the mayor of Rome, Roberto Gualtieri, who reiterated the importance of Rome like central hub For the theme of water, underlining the commitment of the capital in creating strategic investments to improve the management and distribution of water. Subsequently, the president of the Lazio Region intervened, Francesco Rocca, which recalled how access to the water is a crucial theme not only for development and growth, but also for international peace and stability.

I present at the meeting Among others Francesco Battistoni, vice president of the Environment Commission in the Chamber; Ornella Signalini, Capitoline councilor for public works and infrastructures; Paolo Barelli, deputy and president Fin; Barbara Marinal, president of Acea;
Maria Siclari, general manager of Ispra.
