Water consumption: how to save water in the shower?

Water consumption how to save water in the shower

Globally, water is a precious commodity. Precious and increasingly expensive. It must therefore be saved. Even in our bathrooms. Fortunately, there are easy tips to implement to save water in the shower.

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At home, 98% of the water we use is dedicated to hygiene and cleaning. And some 40% in our baths and showers alone. Thus, among the means of reducing the water consumption and D’energy, save water of the shower seems like an interesting idea. Especially since simple actions to reduce water expenditure can be wise.

Shower or bath, you have to choose

For many, take a bath is more tempting than a shower. However, the first option requires 120-200 liters, compared to 40-80 liters of water for a shower. As long as we don’t dwell on it. Don’t forget that five short minutes are enough, in principle, to wash and rinse. But, as a classic shower head consumes about 15 liters per minute, note that in 10 minutes of showering, no less than 150 liters of water are lost. Or the equivalent of a small bath. So to help you keep track of time, program the alarm on your mobile phone.

But in addition to not lingering in the shower, there are other tips for reduce water consumption?

Recover lost water

First at the start of the shower. You may need to run water before it reaches the desired temperature. Instead of running it down the drain, plan a bucket that will allow you to recover it for another use such as watering plants, drinking the dog or even the toilet.

Turn off the water

To save even more water, don’t let the water run when you soap or shampoo. Remember, in one minute, between 15 and 20 liters of water flow through your shower. So every second counts. But when the water is turned off, it is sometimes difficult to quickly find the ideal temperature. So, to avoid this waste of water, today there are so-called “shower stop” devices – easy to install – which make it possible to interrupt the flow of water and then restart it identically as soon as the we need it again. Enough to achieve between 10 and 40% savings.

Saving water in the shower: finding the right equipment

Another trick to use less water – up to 50% – is to invest a few euros in water savers or foamers . The latter, attached to the shower head, reduce the debit used while maintaining pressure equivalent. Here, economy rhymes with comfort. You can also equip yourself with a mixer tapthermostatic, which automatically and instantaneously regulates the ideal water temperature. With each shower, you will thus save a few tens of seconds and a few liters of water, necessary for the adjustment time of the water temperature.

Hunt for leaks

Finally, watch out for dripping showers! A water drop, that’s a small thing. But added to each other, the drops can represent several tens of liters of water per day – four liters per hour when it comes to drip and 16 liters per hour if we are talking about a trickle of water -, and several tens of euros more, up to 20% on your bill.

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