Watch the video: The Philippines hugged homeless cats and dogs to celebrate Valentine’s Day Foreign countries

Watch the video The Philippines hugged homeless cats and dogs

First date at the animal home could lead to a long relationship.

The Filipino Load Animal Home took a spare departure to Valentine’s Day yesterday and organized a date for hairy friends. At the Furst Date event, the human participle was pampering in advance of a dog or a cat of his choice -with delicacies, of course.

Valentine’s Day dating may have been the beginning of a longer relationship. The event organizer of the Philippine Animal Welfare Association emphasizes that the time of cuddling will provide information on the possibility of adopting homeless animals.

-Some find love at first glance at Furst Date. At the same time an animal can be adopted, an organization campaign worker Sharon Yap tells you.

Furst Date is a play for first date for first date. Furst comes from First and Fur, the first and Turkey.

Source: Reuters
